美国变性情侣 性别互换泳装秀恩爱.

2017-08-14 作者: 269阅读


  Teenagers Arin Andrews and Katie Hill look like any normal young couple posing in their swimwear. It is hard to believe that just two years ago Arin was a girl called Emerald, and Katie was a boy called Luke.


  Arin, 17, and Katie, 19, have both undergone surgeries to change their gender and now are enjoying being in their bodies they always wished for.


  Just over a year ago Katie had gender reassignment surgery, thanks to an amazing $35,000 donation from an anonymous donor who read her story in a local newspaper. Now, Arin, who is still at school, has undergone an operation to remove both of his breasts, and is proudly showing off his new male physique.



  Katie and Arin met nearly two years ago at a support group for transgender teenagers and bonded through their shared experiences. Katie said: &aposTo me, Arin&aposs just my Arin, he&aposs always looked manly to me. But now he&aposs had the surgery he&aposs much more confident and comfortable with himself.&apos


  But now that the teens&apos physical appearance matches their gender, both of them are excited to be able to go swimming, boating and sunbathe like other couples. Katie added: &aposBeing transgender myself, I understand Arin probably better than anybody else, how good he feels and how complete he feels.&apos


  Both the couple&aposs families are supportive of their relationship and say the way the teenagers have supported each other has helped in their transition. Arin&aposs mum Denise Andrews said: &aposSeeing Katie go through her surgery was helpful to Arin.



  &aposAnd being a couple at the time was I think just the cherry on the cake. Every transgender person would love to have the transformation physically because it just completes them as a person.&apos


  After he began dressing as a boy, Arin also lost a new male friend who learned about his past as a girl. &aposHe said: &apos&aposI pictured you as a girl, and I can&apost do it anymore,&apos&apos&apos said Arin, adding: &aposYou can&apost just force people to be your friends.&apos


  Katie started her degree course at an Oklahoma university last autumn but has struggled to make new friends because of prejudices against transgender people in the traditional Southern State. She said: &aposI had quite a lot of friends in college that were really close to me and then all of a sudden they just stopped talking to me. I think what happened is they found out I was trans through a story or word of mouth and they decided that was too much for them.&apos



  The last two years have also been difficult for the teenager&aposs families as they&aposve come to terms with losing their son and daughter, and also some of their own friends. Arin&aposs mum Denise said: &aposThere are still a group of people we don&apost interact with any more. I know that they questioned me as a parent, they&aposre not comfortable with it.&apos


  But she added: &aposA lot of people worry about losing the gender of their child. But as you look through albums and realise your babies are growing up, we also watched them grow up and turn into somebody different.


  &aposWhether they stay the same gender or not, they become independent.&apos Now their outward transformation is complete, the teenagers hope people will accept them as their new genders, and their difficulties will become a thing of the past.



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