
2017-08-14 作者: 287阅读


  The toddler, who has not been identified, dropped to the floor of a cafe, for some attention-grabbing kicking and flailing while President Obama held an informal meeting on Thursday.


  Obama, who was meeting with college students and graduates alongside Education Secretary Arne Duncan, appeared not to have noticed the antics at Magnolia’s Deli & Café in Rochester, New York. A woman sitting with a stroller at a table opposite the high-powered group appears to be the boy&aposs mother as she laughs at his antics.


  Official White House photographer Pete Souza posted the picture on Twitter on Thursday with the words: &aposA young boy plays as Pres Obama lunches with college students and their parents in Rochester, NY.&apos


  As his motorcade made its way from Buffalo to Syracuse, the President stopped off in Rochester to have lunch at a restaurant with a small group of college students, recent graduates and their parents. He then made another pitch for his college affordability proposals to a crowd of high school students, parents and educators at Syracuse’s Henninger High School.


  Obama is touting a new program that will rate colleges by the expected income of their graduates, compared against the cost of tuition. Obama says the plan will help parents and students make better-informed decisions about higher education.


  But the proposed overhaul faced immediate skepticism from college leaders who worry the rankings could cost their institutions millions of dollars, as well as from congressional Republicans wary of deepening the government’s role in higher education.


  The president, speaking to a student-heavy crowd of 7,000 at the University at Buffalo, said he expected pushback from those who have profited from the ballooning cost of college. But he argued that with the nation’s economy still shaky and students facing increasing global competition, making college affordable is &aposan economic imperative&apos.


  &aposHigher education cannot be a luxury,&apos Obama said during the first stop on the tour through New York and Pennsylvania. &aposEvery American family should be able to get it.&apos



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