


2017/08/14 05:59:54 编辑: 浏览次数:630 移动端



  "I&aposve sent my résumé to over 150 companies but I&aposm not getting any bites," complained a job hunter. "How many more jobs should I apply to in order to generate some interest?"


  Some people treat job hunting as a numbers game. They hope that by applying to enough companies, sooner or later they will find success. While there is no one magic number of how many places a jobsearcher need apply, you shouldn&apost for a moment believe that applying to everything in sight is a winning strategy for career progression. Moreover,being unprepared for success might also be risky.


  Imagine getting this call: "Hi Joe.This is Jane from ABC Corp. I&aposm responding to the résumé you submitted to us.Thanks so much for your interest. Can you tell me why this job appeals to you?"


  Gulp. Joe&aposs chances could be doomed from the get-go if he can&apost quickly summon to mind a better answer than: "Well… I applied to lots of jobs. Remind me which company you&aposre calling from, and tell me about the job. Then I&aposll be able to explain it to you."


  Already, Joe has blown his chance to show that he actually cares about this particular opportunity. Worse, he cemented in the mind of the interviewer that he is submitting frivolous applications out of desperation and likely isn&apost a serious candidate.


  To be fair, you can&apost be expected to put in hours researching the details of every company bore submitting an application. Nonetheless, it is important to have a clear sense of why you&aposre interested in every company to which you apply, and what in your background should make that particular company interested in you.


  If you want to make a hit, then take the time to understand the basics of your target companies&apos employment brand. Be prepared to tap into their carully crafted reputation from your first conversation and all the way through the hiring process.


  Here are five possible answers to the"why work here" question. Pick and choose from them, and expand with the facts of your particular situation. Thereby, you can demonstrate that you&aposve done your research, your interest is real and your candidacy makes sense:


  1. "I&aposve known several colleagues over the years that have worked at your company, and they have all said great things."


  2. "I was excited to see on your website that you feature employees talking about how great it is to work for your company. These days so many people seem to hate where they work for one reason or another. It&aposs wonderful to see that your employees are proud to talk about how much they love their jobs."


  3. "Your company&aposs Facebook page is really engaging. I love how you [fill in the blank]."

  3. “你公司的Facebook页面真是迷人。我喜欢你们的_______."

  4. "I&aposm connected on LinkedIn to many people who work at your company. When I reviewed their profiles, I saw that we all shared some things in common. [You might rerence similar accomplishments, prior employers, colleges, etc.] It struck me that this is the kind of place where I can fit in and excel, so I was thrilled to see you have this opening."


  5. "Your company is known for making great products that help people do X. But on top of that, I know of your company&aposs leadership role in our community through your support of X, Y and Z events or causes. Your products and philanthropy show you to be a company that cares about both the bottom line and giving back to society."


  Of course, to be in a position to make any of these kinds of statements you need to do a bit of work. Check out the company&aposs own website and Facebook page to see what it does in the community. Follow it on LinkedIn, and do a search for people in your network who have experience working there. Then, look at several of their individual profiles to determine what you have in common with them. Search for the company in the news to see if it is mentioned for something with which you can identify.


  You don&apost need to know every detail at the very beginning of the search, but you should know enough to justify a genuine beli in your own mind that there is a basis for you considering this company, and for that company to consider you.


  When you go about things this way, you won&apost be able to apply to anything close to 150 jobs simultaneously. But the quality of your thoughtful and purposul applications will produce a more focused target group of opportunities that can move your search forward. When you present a compelling answer to the "why are you interested in our company" question, you will be well on your way to establishing the basis for being seriously considered for a job that will advance your career at a company you respect and admire.


  Happy hunting!


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