长发剪去 女模华丽转生帅气十足.

2017-08-14 作者: 255阅读

一名以男模特为职业的女性日前发布了一段自己将头发剪短的时候拍摄的视频,这是她人生转变的重大时刻。艾略特·赛勒上周谈起自己的这个重大决定:她想要以另一种方式充分利用自己中性的容貌,作为男模特去找工作,而不是作为女模特。 Now she and her husband have released the video of the emotional moments where she took her place in the barber shop chair and watched as the electric clippers. 她和丈夫将这段视频发布到了网上,视频上记载着那个激动人心的时刻,她和丈夫来到理发店里,看着电剃刀剃掉自己的头发。 She wrote about the experience in The New York Post,&aposThey said, “We don’t actually do women’s short-style haircuts.” I laughed and said, “I understand. I want to look like a boy,”&apos she wrote.&aposWhen I sat down in the chair, I told him, “I’m going to cry, but don’t worry about it. I REALLY want to do this.”&apos 她将自己的这段经历发表到了《纽约邮报》,写道:“理发店里的店员对我说,‘我们一般不做女士的短发造型。’ 我笑着说,”我懂的。我想要看起来像个男孩。”她写道,“当我坐到椅子里的时候,我告诉他,‘我等会儿一定会哭的,但你不必担心。我真的很想这样做。’”
Sailors, 31, has explained that the decision to drastically change her look is a pragmatic one, as she feels that she will be able to stay in the industry longer as her career was headed down a catalogue-focused path as opposed to high fashion. 31岁的赛勒说,她之所以想要对外形做出巨大改变,是出于实用的考虑——当时她的模特事业主要集中在拍摄商品目录,离高端时尚越来越远。改变造型之后,她就可以延长自己跻身时尚业的时间了。 She and her husband Adam Santos-Coy married in 2011 and over the course of their first year as a married couple they had multiple conversations about the prospect of changing her look to work in the male modeling world. 她和丈夫亚当·桑托斯·柯依是在2011年结婚的,婚后第一年里他们就多次谈到这件事的可能性,即让赛勒改变造型,在男模圈子里找到工作。 Her husband Adam Santos-Coy has been a constant source of support, and he was the one holding the video camera during the landmark haircut and he suggested they go to his barber for the big step. 她的丈夫亚当一直都对妻子的事业非常支持。正是他端着摄像机、记录下了赛勒剪去长发的纪念性时刻。他还建议和妻子一起去他常去的理发店进一步对妻子进行改装。 &aposTears welled in my eyes again at the first buzz. But I was determined not to have a tear fall,&apos she wrote in The Post. “一听到电剃刀嗡嗡的声音,我的眼泪就盈满了眼眶。但我决心不让一滴眼泪流下来。”她在《纽约邮报》中的文章上如是说。 &aposIt wasn’t so much about my hair — it’s just hair. It was really that I had been a model for so long. It’s what I do. It was saying goodbye to what I had been and knowing that I was starting something brand new, and I had no idea how it would go.&apos “我的头发并不那么重要——只是头发而已。重要的是我已经当了很多年女模特了。我一向是干这个的。我知道我要和过去挥手告别了,而且我将迎来新的开始,我也不知道事情会如何发展。” She appeared on The Today Show this morning, and though she has not revealed how many bookings she has confirmed in light of her 2012 haircut, she said that the exposure is a good thing in itself. 10月21日她参加了美国NBC电视台的著名节目《今日秀》。她没有向记者透露,由于2012年剪短了头发她签订了多少预约,只是说,曝光率本身是一件好事。 &aposI’ve never regretted it. I’m standing for something different to be possible in the world — and not just for me. It’s a stand for self-expression, transformation and freedom,&apos she wrote. 她写道,“我从来没有后悔过。我支持世界上可能出现的一切新事物——不仅是出现在我自己生活中的。这是对自我表达权利的坚持,对自我嬗变的坚持,对自由的坚持。


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