
2017-08-14 作者: 269阅读


  1.Use a Post-It Wisely


  "Use a post-it note to record the 3 most important things I can do on that particular day. The post-it note is benicial because it has a size constraint."


  2.List Your Tasks on a Whiteboard


  "Use a whiteboard to list all of the tasks that are mine to accomplish. After . . . delegatingout tasks, I put mine on a white board. Usually this is 10-15 tasks."


  3.Prioritize, Prioritize, Prioritize


  "Prioritize the most important task you need to get done (often the one you are putting off). It is critical to set objectives bore working."


  4.Like a Boss


  "Delegate (LIKE A BOSS). When you enjoy what you do you will find yourself being much more productive. If you really suck at doing something, chances are there is someone out there that can probably do it for less than $5 per hr. Check out Fiverr.com, Elance.com, ODesk.com etc."


  5.Silence Is Golden


  "Set iPhone in Do Not Disturb Mode. New feature in iOS 6 that turns off vibrate and all sounds."

  “把iPhone手机设置为不打扰模式。新版本的iOS 6系统能关掉振动和所有声音。”

  6.Bunch Up Your Emails


  "Batch Your Email (When people are unlikely to respond right away). Email is one of the biggest time wasters. Stay away unless it is absolutely critical to your previously set objectives. Remember that the more emails you send throughout the day, the more you receive. It&aposs a vicious cycle."


  "I batch emails at night or early in the morning when people are less likely to respond right away. It is amazing how fast you can blow through a few hundred emails when you are not replying to instant responses and can move on to other tasks."


  7.Obviously a Smartphone Email


  "Add &apossent from my iPhone&apos to all email accounts signatures. This way people don&apost get upset with you for keeping your emails bri and getting right to the point."


  8.Give Yourself a Break


  "Take a break when you are not being productive anymore. For me I have a really short attention span, and I notice a significant fall off in productivity after about an hour or so of work. Take a break. Go for a walk, do something else, etc . . . then get back to work!"


  9.Listen to Music


  "Not all music is the same when it comes to being productive. Try out different genres of music and see what works for you.



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