美国也有双11 抢购季节用力购物.

2017-08-14 作者: 191阅读

  We don&apost blame you if the thought of Black Friday induces feelings of sheer panic, what with all the crowds and the chaos. But taking part in the shopping holiday comes with benits other than getting a huge discount on coveted items. Here are a few reasons that might just change a skeptic&aposs mind.


  1. It&aposs a tradition. Black Friday is as much of a ritual as having Thanksgiving dinner. The day only comes around once a year, and for all the planning and research that goes into it, it should be something to look forward to. If you&aposre not someone who shops most of the year, this is your chance to go a little retail crazy.

  1. 这是传统。“黑色星期五”和感恩节晚餐一样成为了一种仪式。这样的日子一年只有一次,而且对这个日子做的所有计划和研究都让它值得期待。如果你不是经常购物的人,这是一次让你疯狂血拼的机会。

  2. Go for the bonding. Chances are you go Black Friday shopping with your closest family and friends. That gives you plenty of time to spend together: chatting while you wait in long lines, asking one another for opinions, and sharing stories. Let the day create a sense of togetherness.

  2. 为了团聚。你可以在黑色星期五与最亲密的家人和朋友购物。这给了你足够的时间和他们呆在一起:当你排着长队时可以聊天、问对方意见,分享故事。让这一天充满团聚的氛围吧。

  3. All about the rush. Let&aposs be honest: there&aposs something exciting about snatching up a great deal bore anyone else does. A dose of friendly competition every now and then is perfectly healthy.

  3. 抢占先机。老实说,能在其他人之前抢到绝好的东西很让人激动。偶尔发生的友好竞争完全无伤大雅。

  4. Knock out holiday gift shopping. Shopping in store means you can see and try out items yourself without worrying about how they&aposre going to look when they come in the mail. More likely than not, you&aposll find gifts for everyone from grandma to your best friend at a great price, and afterward, you can cross shopping off your list.

  4. 淘节日礼物。在商店购物意味着你可以自己看和试用商品,也不用担心它们被寄来时会是什么样子。更有可能的是,你会发现从奶奶到密友的礼物价格都十分公道,而且你以后都不用再为购物操心。


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