2017-08-14 66阅读
Obligation trips are the trips that people make to witness other people’s milestones like weddings, college graduations, or various kinds of reunions. They are not supposed to say no to these invitations and these trips are filling up their travel calendars and invading their savings.
Obligation trips(尽责之旅)指人们受邀出席的那些重要聚会活动,如婚礼、大学毕业典礼或各类聚会。他们一般无法拒绝这样的邀请,而这一类活动占据了他们大部分的出行计划,同时也让他们的钱包被掏空不少。
Forty-one percent of U.S. travelers spend the majority of their vacation budgets on obligation trips, according to survey data recently released by Hotwire.com. As travelers jet around for other people&aposs milestones, many are wishing for a getaway of their own. Hotwire&aposs survey found that 89 percent of adults want to take more leisure trips but don&apost have the time or money for these vacations. (Source: huffingtonpost.com)
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