2017-08-14 247阅读
美国新婚男子雪地助人 横遭车祸不幸遇难
Groom killed while helping motorist in snow on way back from weddin
An Indiana groom was fatally struck by a car Saturday after he pulled over to help a stranded motorist hours after his wedding.
The Chicago Sun Times reports 49-year-old William Knight was driving with his bride Nikki to a hotel after their 5:00 p.m. ceremony when he spotted a vehicle in a ditch.
Nikki Knight told the paper Sunday her husband told her “we&aposve got to stop, it&aposs late and they need help.” She says she stayed inside the car while her husband went out to the other vehicle.
Knight said she then heard a thud, and went outside to investigate. William Knight and the driver of the other car, 42-year-old Linda Darlington, did not have pulses.
The Chicago Sun Times reports authorities say it appears Knight and Darlington were first struck by one car and then hit two more times by two vehicles behind the first.
His widow says Knight served as a U.S. Army Ranger for about 12 years, and would always put himself on the line to help others.
"I went from a being a newlywed to a widow in less than 48 hours—the highest high to the lowest low," Nikki Knight said. "It&aposs a blur."
Police said all drivers involved in the crash remained at the scene. No charges had been filed as of Sunday afternoon.
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