绿色装点办公室 盆栽可提高工作效率.

2017-08-14 作者: 197阅读

  A pretty pot plant might make work space feel more personal, but new research has revealed that office plants do so much more as they can help staff be more creative and productive, which could ultimately result in promotion.


  At work, houseplants have been proven to aid concentration, increase productivity and boost staff wellbeing by 47 per cent, according to a study undertaken at this year’s Chelsea Flower Show.


  The results showed that allowing staff to make design decisions in a workspace enhanced with office plants can increase creativity by 45 per cent and boost productivity by 38 per cent.


  A total of 350 visitors to the horticultural show were asked to measure their creativity, happiness and productivity in four differently designed work environments.


  The researchers believe their findings demonstrate that plants are not unnecessary elements of business environments and add weight to other studies, which indicate plants increase psychological comfort and business performance.


  Psychologist Dr Craig Knight from the University of Exeter said: ‘We have previously shown that designing your own workspace improves health, happiness and productivity. It was time to go a step further and see whether the principle can also be applied to creativity. The results from the Chelsea Flower Show experiment indicate that plants, in a well-designed and personalised office environment can boost business fectiveness through improved staff creativity.’



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