2017-08-14 1167阅读
Canadian mom falls off her horse and wakes with a SCOTTISH accent
A Canadian woman who fell off a horse and awoke with a Scottish accent is now to write a book about how the bizarre accident changed her life.
Mother of two, Sharon Campbell-Rayment, 50, who runs a horse riding school in Ontario had never been to Scotland bore the accident in 2008. She was knocked unconscious when she hit her head after she fell from her favorite horse Malachi and was lt unable to talk for several days.
When her voice came back, it did so with an uncontrollable stutter that lt her needing speech therapy.
Eight weeks of work regaining her voice worked - but Sharon was stunned to discover that she now spoke in a Scottish accent using words such as &aposwee&apos, &aposgrand&apos, &aposawright&apos and &aposbrilliant&apos.
Stunned doctors diagnosed foreign accent syndrome and told her that she was one of only 60 people around the world who suffer from the condition.
However, blessed with her new accent, Sharon resolved to discover why this had happened and began to look at her ancestors - who had come to Canada from Scotland over 100-years bore.
In September 2010, she and her husband Doug traveled to Scotland to discover her family history and she has recently regained the confidence to ride her horses again.
&aposDoctors have said I might have the Scottish accent for the rest of my life, or it might just disappear overnight but I don’t think it’s going anywhere fast,&apos said Sharon to The Mirror newspaper of the UK.
&aposI could have ended up with any accent - French, Spanish, even Klingon - but I got Scottish. It was dinitely a sign.
&aposThe accident has completely turned my life around. I strongly believe it was a message telling me this is how things were meant to be.&apos
Sharon has now transformed her horse riding school into a retreat therapy center for people recovering from traumatic brain injuries and is now writing a book about her experiences.
&aposI wanted to write it for myself and to tell my story - but also to help other people going through a similar experience.
&aposBrain injuries can be hard for people to understand because there are no physical signs. But they change your life.
&aposIt’s been like starting all over again. I’m a completely different person.&apos
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