
2017-08-14 作者: 293阅读

  In too many workplaces, when something goes wrong, people waste far more time and energy assigning blame for it than trying to find a solution," observes Ben Dattner, adding that the recession exacerbated the problem, so that finger-pointing is now more widespread than ever.


  An organizational psychologist and consultant, Dattner wrote a book called The Blame Game: How the Hidden Rules of Credit and Blame Determine Our Success or Failure. You don’t mention whether you’ve ever talked with your boss about his habit of throwing you under the bus but, if not, it’s time to start. "Confronting him is risky, but saying nothing and letting this go on is risky too," Dattner notes.


  The key is in how you approach the conversation. Dattner suggests asking lots of questions about exactly why your boss believes a mistake was someone else’s fault. Pinning him down on the details -- in a calm, non-accusatory way, of course -- will put him on notice that you’re tired of being a scapegoat and you want to prevent it in the future. You may also learn something usul about how he perceives your role, and his own.

  关键是如何发起对话。达特纳建议,问一些具体的问题,比如你的上司为什么认为错误是别人造成的。跟他讨论出问题的细节,以此迫使他停止诬陷—— 当然要以平静、而不是责难的方式。这会让他意识到,你已经受够了继续做他的替罪羊,你希望在未来阻止这样的事情再次发生。你还可能了解到一些有用的东西,比如他如何看待你的角色和他的职责。

  "Try to get to the bottom of what’s really going on here," Dattner advises. Is it possible, for instance, that who was accountable for which parts of a given project wasn’t clear at the outset, so your boss genuinely believes you or a teammate dropped the ball? "The biggest mistake I’ve seen people make is reacting to a situation, usually angrily, without really understanding it first."


  Robert Hosking, executive director of staffing company OfficeTeam, agrees. "You need to know exactly how the blame for a problem got assigned to you," he says. "Then steer the discussion toward how to prevent the same thing from happening again."


  One way to head off future finger-pointing, Hosking says, is to start documenting everything you and your teammates do. "Often everyone is so busy that things get overlooked or slip through the cracks," he says. "So begin each project with a written outline of who is responsible for what, and make sure everyone, including the boss, has a copy and signs off on it." Detailed accountability might even prevent mistakes from happening in the first place.


  As you already suspect, going over your boss’s head to complain is so likely to backfire that it has to be a last resort. "If you’re being unfairly accused of something that could seriously damage your career, do take it upstairs, and think about involving someone from human resources as well," Hosking says. "But warn your boss first, so he’s not blindsided. Invite him to sit in on the meeting. Frame it as a chance to clear the air."


  Small consolation though it might be, Hosking points out that the people your boss reports to are probably already aware that something’s amiss. "If this manager has shown a pattern over time of never accepting responsibility for problems, higher-ups are going to notice that," he says. "Don’t assume they’re oblivious. Eventually, someone will call him on it."


  In the meantime, Ben Dattner has one additional suggestion for you: Concentrate on building a strong network. "A boss who denies you credit and unfairly blames you may change [his] tune when he realizes that others, both inside and outside the organization, recognize your talent," he writes in The Blame Game.


  A robust network of fans can make you more likely to be offered other jobs, inside and outside the company, Dattner notes, and "even the most credit-hogging and blame-dumping boss will not want to be viewed as out of step with others in the organization, or to be blamed for being the reason why a talented, hard-to-replace employee lt."


  Once it’s in your boss’s own best interest to stop scapegoating you, in other words, he probably will.



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