

《纸牌屋》热播 男主角经典台词盘点.

2017/08/14 02:55:30 编辑: 浏览次数:326 移动端

  Unless you&aposve been living under a rock with no Wi-Fi signal, there&aposs no excuse not to be raving about House Of Cards right now, easily one of the most gripping TV series shows for some time.


  For the best example of what makes the show so watchable, look no further than the man himself.


  The script sings, and it&aposs Underwood who&aposs often the conductor, delivering venomous zingers with ease at all who get in his way. Look past his barbed comments, however, and you&aposll find some fairly staunch and pragmatical advice.


  We&aposve picked the best of this gold - and let&aposs just say there&aposs plenty of food for thought...


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