
2017-08-14 作者: 464阅读

  《绝望的主妇》(Desperate Housewives)是由美国广播公司于2004年10月—2012年5月,在每周日晚九点播出的电视剧。故事背景设定在美国一个虚构的小镇——美景镇,通过一位自杀的主妇玛丽·爱丽丝·杨的视角审视紫藤街上发生的一切,描绘了美景镇紫藤巷的四位中产阶级家庭主妇的婚后生活。下面让我们来欣赏一下这个英文电视里面的经典台词。


  Yes, as I look back at the world I lt behind, it&aposs all so clear to me. The beauty that waits to be unveiled, the mysteries that long to be uncovered. But, people so rarely stop to take a look. They just keep moving. It&aposs a shame, really. There&aposs so much to see.


  Yes I remember the world. Every detail. And what I remember most is how afraid I was, what a waste. You see, to live in fear is not to live at all. I wish I could tell this to those I lt behind, but would it do any good? Probably not. I understand now, there will always be those who face their fears, and there will always be those who run away.


  What type of person would send such a note? Was it an enemy? Of course! But what kind? An acquaintance? A stranger? Or how about a neighbor that lives a few feet away?


  People by their very nature are always on the lookout for intruders, trying to prevent those on the outside from getting in. But there will always be those who force their way into our lives, just as there will be those we invite in. But the most troubling of all will be the ones who stand on the outside looking in. The ones we never truly get to know.


  The search for power begins when we are quite young. As children, we are taught that the power of good triumphs over the power of evil. But as we get older, we realize that nothing is ever that simple. Traces of evil always remain.


  Competition, it means different things to different people. But whether it&aposs a friendly rivalry, or a fight to the death. The end result is the same. There will be winners, and there will be losers. Of course the trick is to know which battles to fight. You see, no victory comes without a price.


  There is a widely read book that tells us everyone is a sinner. Of course, not everyone feels guilt over the bad things they do. In contrast, there are those who assume more than their share of the blame. There are others who soothe their consciences with small acts of kindness. Or by telling themselves their sins were justified. Finally, there are the ones who simply vow to do better next time, and pray for forgiveness. Sometimes, their prayers are answered.


  People are complicated creatures, on the one hand, able to perform great acts of charity; on the other, capable of the most underhanded forms of betrayal. It is a constant battle that ranges within all of us, between the better angels of our nature, and the temptation of our inner demons. And sometimes the only way to ward off the darkness is to shine the light of compassion.


  Trust is a fragile thing, once earned, it affords us tremendous freedom; but once trust is lost, it can be impossible to recover. Of course the truth is, we never know who we can trust. Those we are closest to can betray us. And total strangers can come to our rescue. In the end, most people decide to trust only themselves. It really is the simplest way to keep from getting burned.


  We are all searching for some one. That special person who will provide us what&aposs missing in our lives, someone who can offer companionship, or resistance, or security. And sometimes if we search very hard, we can find someone who provides us with all three. Yes for all searching for someone. And if we can&apost find them, we can only pray they find us.



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