
2017-08-14 作者: 362阅读



  Motivational Quote from the Journalist


  "Find the joy. When you feel it, let it wash over you... take a moment to appreciate it. Be gratul for the people in your life, for waking up feeling good and pain free, and for the stretch of road ahead that&aposs so full of possibilities. When you encounter bumps, keep going and don&apost look back."


  —Katie Couric, 55, broadcaster and author


  Motivational Quote from the Politician


  "Hope and faith. You have to have hope and faith... Long ways to go. Gratul to survive... I&aposm trying. Trying so hard to get better. Regain what I&aposve lost... I will get stronger. I will return."


  —Gabrielle Giffords, 42, former congresswoman from Arizona and author of, Gabby: A Story of Courage and Hope


  Motivational Quote from the Principal


  "This city is not the &aposdiamond in the rough' it is the actual diamond."


  —School principal Kenyetta Wilbourn, 36, she started in Detroit&aposs Denby High in 2009. Now, while the neighborhood is still troubled, Wilbourn has transformed Denby into a clean, calm center of learning.


  Motivational Quote from the Sports Fan


  "No one knows more about optimism than a Cubs fan. After waiting 104 years, it&aposs our optimism, and not the winning, that binds us together. We really do believe the next year will be the year."


  —Grant DePorter, 48, a Chicago restaurateur and leading Cubs fan, is sticking by the team, which last won the World Series in 1908


  Motivational Quote from the CEO


  "My view is that the core of Yahoo is incredibly valuable and a great platform to build on."


  —Marissa Mayer, 37, is the sixth CEO of the struggling Internet giant Yahoo in the past five years


  Motivational Quote from the Minister


  "If I didn&apost have spiritual faith, I would be a pessimist. But I&aposm an optimist. I&aposve read the last page in the Bible. It&aposs going to turn out all right."


  —Billy Graham, 94, Christian spiritual advisor



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