
2017-08-13 作者: 395阅读

  犯罪心理 Criminal Minds


  Premiere:1 October


  Previously: When Reid was shot through the neck (but not scare to his life ), Blake called him "Ethan" in a picnic. Blake took Reid back to his apartment and explained to him that the Ethan was her son who died of a unknown neural lesion at the age of 9. After Blake lt, Reid found Blake’s BAU (behavioral analysis unit of FBI) documents in his package.We could see from the window that she had been sitting in a taxi off.

  下季预告:Jennifer Love Hewitt将加盟出演Kate Callahan以替代Blake的角色。“我们的设想是小组成员整个夏天都呆在局里,面试了许许多多人,最后Hotch(小组组长)对Kate说‘就是你了’。”该剧的执行制片 Erica Messer说,“观众将会从头开始了解这个角色,她不会有神秘的过往。”新季将不会打怀旧牌。“我们将会创造全新的谜团。” Messer说。

  The next season: Jennifer Love Hewitt will join in as Kate Callahan in the place of Blake. "Our vision is that the team members stay in the bureau throughout the whole summer.They interviewed many people, finally Hotch (The group leader)says to Kate “you”. The executive producer of this drama Erica Messer said, "the audience will start to understand this role. She will not have a mysterious past." The new season will not tell the old history. "We will create a new mystery." Messer said.

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