会隐形的雨伞 “空气伞”.

2017-08-13 作者: 226阅读


  One might say the standard umbrella is already perfectly designed — compact, resistant to all but very strong winds, and it generally keeps your top half dry. A new umbrella design by Je Sung Park and Woo Jung Kwon aims to not only change the umbrella’s core design, but to make it adjustable given the power of a storm.

  人们可能会说,标准的雨伞设计已算完美——坚固、能够耐受强风以外的所有天气,而且基本能保持你的上半身干燥。由设计师Je Sung Park和Woo Jung Kwon设计的一款新伞不但改变了雨伞的核心设计,同时还能让雨伞根据不同天气状况进行调节。

  Called the Air Umbrella, the concept removes the plastic top from the umbrella and replaces it with a wind shield. The design of the Air Umbrella calls for air to be sucked through the bottom, then shot out of the top in a pattern that mimics the standard canopy. Power and canopy size controls reside toward the bottom of the shaft, providing users with the ability to strengthen the force of the air and widen the canopy in order to adjust for heavier rains. Not only would these features protect against storms when a standard umbrella normally may not, but the air curtain has a better chance to survive strong winds than a flimsy nylon covering.


  It’s worth noting that if the umbrella is designed to shoot rain away from your head through an air pump, it would almost certainly shoot that rain onto surrounding innocent bystanders.



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