
2017-08-13 作者: 225阅读

  你曾经想到过的那个非凡的主意后来怎样了? 你是否因为觉得那只是个小小的念头而将其忽略了呢?你是不是后来觉得自己错过了那些非凡念头而终究后悔起来了。但是澳际小编想说的是,不要错过那些非凡念头,请看下面这篇双语文章。


  Have you ever considered what that little thought would have become if you had acted on your instincts or if you had paid more attention to it?

  你是否考虑过, 如果你依照直觉行事,或是多用点心,当初那个小小的念头将会变成怎样?

  Imagine a scenario ,where you are sitting at home watching television or reading a book, suddenly a light buld is turned on in the dark tunnel of your mind as a thought or an idea crosses your mind. The thought catches your attention but seems so meaningless and you are tempted to discard it, but wait a minute!

  想像这样一个场景:你正坐在家里看电视或看书,一个想法或念头闪过脑际,令你眼前一亮, 豁然开朗。这个想法虽然令你心中为之一动,但却似乎毫无意义,于是你打算放弃它。但是请等一下!

  That thought could be the potential beginning of the success you have so mush yearned for. As the thought crosses your mind. your senses become alert and you suddenly see a possibility, a realization, a solution, a conclusion, or find the answer to a problem whose solution has long eluded you.


  It is almost as if a divine being has whispered the perfect solution into your ear or awakened your sences to a reality thereby bringing illumination to your life. It is like finding the last piece of jigsaw puzzle.

  这就像是一位圣人在你耳边低语,告诉你最佳的解决方案, 或者将你的思维唤回到现实,从而给你的人生带来光明。这就像是找到智力拼图的最后一块一样。

  This becomes an AHA moment and everything freezes around you as you excitedly try to grasp the practicality of that little but powerful thought.


  Your self-confidence and enthusiasm increase as you become conscious of the great possibilties that can arise if that little thought is acted upon. This becomes the moment to build upon that thought and to write down any ideas that are streaming from that little thought for later review.


  Seemingly meaningless little thought or ideas when acted upon have a potential to explode into great projects.


  Many successful projects have been born from the little positive thoughts that were carully nurtured and recognized as tickets to great things.


  You may have heard people say many times that it just came to me in a flash moment, a small idea or seemingly meaningless thought may cross your mind about something you have been planning to accomplish.


  Don&apost waste an opportunity to act on a potentially brilliant idea. You don&apost have to wait for a major peers in order for a major idea, a master strategy, or approval from your peers in order for you to act on that little thought.


  That little thought or idea is the beginning of great things if you decide to follow it through.



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