
2017-08-13 作者: 481阅读

  Considering that The Originals is a spin-off of The Vampire Diaries and exists in the same universe, it doesn’t seem all that hard for the shows to cross over every once in a while. But as executive producer Julie Plec mentioned at Comic-Con, it’s harder than fans might think. Not only do the stories have to come together in a natural way, but the logistics of getting an actor (or two) from one show to another isn’t the simplest task.

  《初代吸血鬼》是《吸血鬼日记》的衍生剧,而且两部剧的剧情都处在同一大背景下,所以想让两部剧出现串剧情节似乎不是那么难。但是同时担任这两部剧制片人的 Julie Plec在圣地亚哥动漫展上表示,想让串剧成功发生重要做的工作比粉丝们的想象中要困哪得多。因为这不仅需要剧情很自然的过渡到串剧情节,而且想让某个或者两个演员从一部剧去到另一部剧,在后勤上都不是那么简单的事情。

  That being said, the two shows did manage a total of two crossovers last season—one when Tyler came to The Originals and another when Klaus and Rebekah made an appearance in Mystic Falls during TVD‘s 100th hour. And the good news is that it looks like the stories are going to converge again this year.


  Plec revealed that, as of right now, there is a crossover in the works. “It looks like we are going to be able to do a crossover in the first half of the season, and I can’t tell you what or who or when because it hasn’t been shot yet, but things are looking good,” she said.


  The Vampire Diaries returns for its sixth season on Thursday, Oct. 2 at 8 p.m., ET with The Originals returning for its second season on Monday, Oct. 6 at 8 p.m. ET, both on The CW.



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