
2017-08-13 作者: 454阅读



  By the late 2000s, Singles Day was well known enough that most of China’s internet users – who skew young and urban – were familiar with it. There might have been some small shops online and offline offering sales on that day earlier, but no major company bought into the holiday until Alibaba launched its first Singles Day online sale in 2009.


  In that first year, Alibaba was the only major ecommerce company to offer a sale, and it featured just 27 brands offering discounts via its Tmall marketplace. The sale was dinitely successful, but it wasn’t enough to redine the holiday on its own.


  2010 changed things, though. Alibaba went bigger, offering more brands and deeper discounts. But other companies had noticed the potential of the 2009 sales bonanza and decided to follow suit. Ecommerce platforms like JD had their first major Singles Day sales in 2010, and overnight Singles Day went from a Tmall sale to something that was beginning to look like Cyber Monday in some western countries.2010年改变开始了。


  Over the next few years, Alibaba, JD, and other Chinese ecommerce players all expanded their one-day discounts, and sales grew exponentially. On Singles Day in 2012, for example, Alibaba’s marketplaces, Taobao and Tmall, did about US$3 billion in sales. In 2013 that number nearly doubled, and Chinese shoppers had obliterated America’s Cyber Monday spending records in just the first few hours of the sale. And it’s only getting bigger.


  This year’s Singles Day online shopping bonanza is likely to break all the records set last year. If Alibaba can keep its pace, it may do more than US$10 billion in sales in 24 hours. That’s already pretty crazy, but the next step for Singles Day may be for it to set foot outside of the Middle Kingdom. World, meet Singles Day.


  In an article about the company’s plans for Singles Day, Tmall CEO Wang Yulei wrote that Alibaba’s “core keyword” this year is globalization:


  We want consumers to be able to buy products from all over the world, and Chinese people all across the world to be able to buy the products they need.


  Amazon China, too, is making moves towards taking the holiday global. Even JD is looking at the international market in the long run.


  Of course, there’s still a long way to go bore Singles Day is a truly global phenomenon, and it may never get there.


  But the commercial aspects of the holiday are already big enough to be of interest to the global Chinese diaspora, and where it spreads from there is anyone’s guess.



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