
2017-08-13 作者: 169阅读

  最新数据显示,成千上万的父母开始用英剧《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)中角色的名字为孩子取名。这部具有超高人气的电视剧再度掀起了一股20世纪20年代的复古之风,剧中的服饰和发也广受人们追捧。现今,就连剧中旧式的人名也再度流行起来。


  Edith, Cora, Sybil and Elsie are all soaring in popularity among new parents.


  But when the show began in 2010, the monikers were in danger of dwindling into obscurity.


  It is now just finished its fifth season running on Sunday night attracting around eight million viewers per episode.


  Violet, the first name of the matriarchal Dowager Countess of Grantham played by Dame Maggie Smith, has seen a particularly large comeback after it made the top 100 girls&apos names for 2013.


  Spiralling from 466 girls in 2010 to 709 last year, it has jumped in the national rankings from 123rd to 78th.


  And highest of all was Elsie, the Christian name of housekeeper Mrs Hughes, which has rocketed into the thousands in just five years. Nearly 1,200 babies took the name last year compared to 535 in 2010.

  人气最高的名字为剧中女管家休斯太太(Mrs Hughes)的教名——埃尔希(Elsie)。这一名字在短短五年内迅速从榜单内的几千个名字中脱颖而出。相对于2010年的535人,去年近1200名新生儿取名为“埃尔希”。

  Parenting expert Dr Fin Williams, who founded the group Parent Perspectives based in Devon, was unsurprised by the trend.

  在德文郡(Devon)创办了“父母观点”(Parent Perspectives)组织的育儿专家芬•威廉姆斯(Fin Williams)博士对此并不感到惊讶。

  She said: &aposWe pick up our prerences for names based on who we are surrounded by but also our experiences of TV characters who have that name.


  &aposWe are less likely to name our children after someone who we feel hasn&apost got a very nice character, and more likely to name them after somebody we aspire to.&apos


  Cora, the warm-hearted countess of Grantham, and Sybil, her pretty and modest daughter, are among the names that have rocketed.


  The figures, released by the Office of National Statistics, show a 55 per cent increase in the number of girls called Cora in England and Wales, while there are now treble the number of Sybils than there were in 2010.


  The name Mary - the lead character of the show played by Michelle Dockery - has bucked the trend with a slight decline - just 203 girls were given the name in 2013, compared to 237 in 2010.

  米歇尔•多克里(Michelle Dockery)是剧中主角玛丽(Mary)的扮演者。与剧中其它热门名字不同,用“玛丽”来命名的人数稍有下滑。2010年有237名女孩取名为“玛丽”,而2013年人数则下降为203名。

  The top names for 2013 were Oliver and Amelia, followed by Olivia, Emily, Ava and Isla, and Jack, Harry, Jacob and Charlie.



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