
2017-08-13 作者: 531阅读

  Sorry, "The Walking Dead" fans hoping Daryl Dixon would come out in Season 5, because creator Robert Kirkman is setting the record straight that he is not gay. During the "Talking Dead" episode following the show&aposs midseason finale, Kirkman clears the air once and for all, saying, "Daryl Dixon is actually straight."

  希望《行尸走肉》Daryl Dixon在第五季出柜的小伙伴们要失望了,因为制作人Robert Kirkman明确表示弩哥的设定就是个直男,不是基友。在季中集之后播出的《闲话行尸》中,Kirkman再次明确态度“Daryl Dixon绝对是直男”。

  On "Talking Dead," Kirkman also re-confirms what showrunner Scott Gimple told TVLine bore Season 5 premiered: A new gay character is going to be introduced later this season. It&aposs unclear which character from the comics that will be, but there&aposs a decent chance it could be Paul Monroe.

  在《闲话行尸》中,Kirkman确认了之前制片人Scott Gimple在第五季开播时透露的消息:将会在第五季后半段出现一个基友角色。目前还不清楚这个同性恋角色是谁,不过是Paul Monroe的可能性很大。

  On "Talking Dead," Kirkman also offers as a tease for Season 5b: "There&aposs a journey. These characters are out on the road. There&aposs a lack of security. ... We&aposll dinitely be entering a new phase in the show, and changing things possibly more dramatically than we&aposve ever changed them bore."


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