2017-08-13 344阅读
周日,索尼影视(Sony Pictures)表示,在该公司仓促间把《刺杀金正恩》(The Inverview)发布在网上的头四天时间里,该片带来的数字化销售额已超过1500万美元,从而令该片成为索尼最成功的在线影片。请看下面的双语新闻。
Along with the $2.8m that Box Office Mojo estimates the film has made in the limited number of cinemas that began showing it on Christmas Day, the online revenues means the studio is slightly closer to recouping some of the $44m it spent to make the movie.除此以外,自圣诞节开始该片还在少数影院上映,估计已带来280万美元的票房收入。网上的丰厚营收意味着,索尼能略微收回部分制作成本。此前,索尼制作该片的开支为4400万美元。
However, the sum is far lower than the box-office receipts probably would have been if the film had opened widely in major theatre chains as Sony originally intended.不过,索尼原本打算将该片在各大院线公开发行。相比之下,上述营收的总和远远低于公开发行方式下可能产生的票房收入。
Sony cancelled the film’s release on December 17 after the five biggest US cinema chains said they would not show the movie following terrorist threats from a group claiming to be behind a massive hack of Sony’s corporate data.今年12月17日,索尼取消了该片的发行。此前,在一个团体发出恐怖主义威胁之后,美国5家最大院线曾表示不会上映这部电影。该团体曾声称是向索尼发动网络攻击并窃取其公司数据的幕后主使。
The roughly 300 theatres showing the film are mainly independent or small chains.目前上映这部影片的大约有300家影院,主要是独立院线或小规模院线。
The US has said it believes North Korea is behind the cyber attack on Sony, a charge that North Korea denies.美国政府曾表示该国相信朝鲜是索尼所遭遇网络袭击的幕后主使,朝鲜方面则否认了这一指控。
However, The Interview, a farce about an assassination plot against North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, has incited the anger of the reclusive country. The North Korean government hit out at US President Barack Obama on Saturday, saying he “forced” Sony to “indiscriminately distribute” the film, which it said “agitates terrorism”.不过,作为一部有关刺杀朝鲜领导人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)的搞笑电影,《刺杀金正恩》引起了朝鲜这个封闭国家的愤怒。周六,朝鲜政府曾猛烈抨击美国总统巴拉克?奥巴马(Barack Obama),称他“迫使”索尼“肆意传播”这部“鼓吹恐怖主义”的影片。
Sony said the film has been rented or purchased online more than 2m times from December 24 through Saturday. It is available in Canada and the US on Google Play, YouTube, Microsoft’s Xbox Video, a dedicated Sony website, and, as of Sunday, Apple’s iTunes store. It costs $5.99 to rent and $14.99 to own.索尼表示,从12月24日至上周六,这部影片已经被在线租赁或购买逾200万次。该影片可以在加拿大和美国从Google Play、YouTube、微软公司(Microsoft)旗下的Xbox Video网站、以及索尼旗下一个专门网站下载到。周日,这部影片也可以在这两国从苹果公司(Apple)的iTunes商店下到。该片租赁价格是5.99美元,售价则为14.99美元。
To mark Sunday’s debut on iTunes, co-stars Seth Rogen and James Franco began live tweeting the film at 5pm eastern time.为宣传该片周日在iTunes的上架,美国东部时间下午5点,该片两位主演赛斯?罗根(Seth Rogen)和詹姆斯?弗兰克(James Franco)开始在Twitter网站上以互动方式推介这部电影。
“It’s at this point that I gotta say that it’s f****** weird I’m watching this on TV right now,” Mr Rogen wrote.罗根发消息称:“现在,我想说的是,我正在电视上看这部电影,这感觉真他妈的诡异。”
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