压力山大 六大招帮你赶跑负能量.

2017-08-13 作者: 206阅读


  Be honest about your self-talk。


  Only by listening without judgment to that inner dialogue can you begin to understandwhere those automatic responses come from and then replace them with a more helpful andmotivational commentary that can guide you through various tough situations。


  Catch it bore it starts。


  Once a stress response is under way, there's no stopping it biologically, which makes iteven more critical to develop foresight into dealing with stressful situations in aconstructive manner. Since control is so closely linked to the anxiety aspects of the stressresponse, focusing your energy on determining what you can (and can't!) affect is one of themost powerful, proactive tools available for dealing with the downsides of stress。


  If you're able to go into each moment with this type of calm and mental clarity, the stressyou experience will become more of a fleeting feeling than a consistently overwhelmingpressure to try and change or fix。


  Rrame challenges as opportunities。


  This mental trick not only makes you more resilient to the negative impact of stress, butalso sets you up for more successful stress face-offs in the future. That repeated exposurelends the body psychologically as much as physically a sense of control that resurfaces whensimilar experiences arise。


  So instead of viewing a daily dose of stress as a roadblock to overcome, accept it as apositive challenge to then improve your productivity, focus and overall performance。


  Think about what works and what doesn't for you。


  Everyone is different when it comes to the particulars (not to mention intensity) of theirstress triggers. Some people fear public speaking while others can't get enough of it. Somepeople seek the thrill of tight deadlines while others can't stand it。


  Just as it's important to listen to how you speak to yourself regarding stressful situations,knowing the circumstances, activities or personality traits in others that make you feel less incontrol and full of consistent anxiety can help you tremendously in managing yourunnecessary stress exposure。


  Living by your own individualized meaning and purpose, both at work and otherwise, canboast big benits when it comes to reducing your stress levels。


  Change up your surroundings。


  Good stress is a motivator to finish a given task at work or push for a challengingpromotion -- in a sense, it helps us thrive. Without it, we would often lack the motivation toachieve anything at all。


  But for many of us, our modern environments seem to antagonize us rather than inspireus. Sticking with jobs we truly dislike that require longer commutes and more time away fromthe people and activities we enjoy keeps chronic stress at a persistent high. And that stress,over time, can lead to premature aging, a weakened immune system, damage to the brain, ahigher risk of infection, the development of mental disorders, and the beginnings of heartdisease。


  Rather than sticking with surroundings that perpetuate the burnout -- and breakdown --of the body, consider making lifestyle changes that would help reduce the amount of "bad"stress in your life automatically。


  Ask for help。


  Changing your perception of stress (even bore it happens) is often easier said thandone, which is all the more reason to not go it alone。


  Research has shown that the utilization of coaching, training and peer support groups canbe quite fective in transforming typically negative stressors into positive ones. For example,Columbia Business School research scholar Alia Crum gave a group of employees at a strugglingfinancial services company a video-based training program intended to lighten theirperspectives of their work environment. After watching motivational clips of athletes andprofessionals both facing challenges and overcoming them, the workers experienced asubstantial improvement in their own attitudes。

  改变你对压力的看法(在有压力之前也要这样)说得容易做的难。这也是不要一个人面对压力的原因。研究表明进行辅导,训练,参加同侪支援小组的方式,转化消极压力方面很有效果。例如哥伦比亚大学商学院[微博]研究学者艾丽·雅克拉姆给一群在一家濒临破产金融服务公司供职的雇员进行了视频训练项目,目的在于减轻他们对 工作环境的感受。首先他们观看了一些具有激励作用的短片,短片中是一些运动员和专业人员都遇到困难并且克服了困难。这些工人对他们各自的态度都有了明显的改善。

  Instead of interpreting stress as an energy drainer, they viewed it as a potentialperformance aid -- a change that may or may not have occurred without this externalassistance。



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