机会来临时 请大声说YES.

2017-08-13 作者: 228阅读


  Consider this: Will the experience enhance your knowledge and play to your strengths? Will itintroduce you to new concepts and new people? (All great reasons to say yes!) Will it requireyou to develop new techniques for managing your team or working with more experiencedpeople? Embrace this challenge and get out of your comfort zone.


  When I find myself wanting to shout “No!” to an opportunity, that’s a sure sign to me that theanswer should probably be “Yes.” So, I take a deep breath and analyze the situation asobjectively as possible.


  Remember, no one is ever perfectly prepared for every situation. You’ve probably discoveredthis by now. Your education gave you a foundation for the job, but growth happens in thetrenches. Maybe you motivated your team not just to meet the new deadline, but to deliverextraordinary work. Perhaps you realized you had more poise than you ever expected in aclient situation. Or, you suddenly discovered that you can capitalize on the relationships you’vebuilt and become a “rainmaker” for your organization. Bore you can learn any of these things,you have to learn to say “Yes.” It’s okay to acknowledge the butterflies in your stomach;however, it’s not okay to let them stifle your growth.


  When you need help, reach out to people in your networks – that’s what they’re there for.Whether you need a confidence-boosting pep talk or advice about building your technicalexperience — your mentor, your colleagues, and your manager can help. You may not knowhow to do something today, but chances are you’re smart enough to find someone who canhelp you learn it. And once you do, don’t unfasten your seatbelt – there’s always going to beanother challenge headed your way.


  My grandmother’s favorite poem was Invictus by William Ernest Henley. My father hung a copyof it on our kitchen wall, so I grew up reading it every day: “I am the master of my fate; I amthe captain of my soul.” I think the best advice I can give anyone – especially someone juststarting out in business – is to embrace your role as master of your own fate. Recognizeopportunities when they arise and get comfortable saying “Yes.”



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