
2017-08-13 作者: 587阅读


  On a recent research trip to China, we were struck by the huge enthusiasm for locallydeveloped smartphones and the entrepreneurial spirit sweeping the country. Indeed, thenumber of patents filed by Chinese residents has surged in recent years, both locally andabroad, to exceed the world’s largest developed economies.


  Some companies have received international recognition. For example, Shenzhen-based EstarTechnology Group won the prestigious 2015 CES Innovations Award for its takee1smartphone, which allows users to touch and interact with its holographic screen. MeanwhileChipscreen, recently received Chinese FDA approval for Chidamide, a novel treatment forlymphoma. It was the first domestically discovered and developed innovative drug to receiveregulatory approval.

  有一些中国企业已经获得了国际认可。例如,深圳市亿思达科技集团(Estar Technology Group)研发的钛客(takee1)智能手机获得了2015年美国消费者电子展(CES)创新奖。该款手机可以让用户触摸并与全息屏幕互动。微芯生物科技有限公司(Chipscreen)研发的治疗淋巴瘤新药西达本胺(Chidamide)最近获得了中国国家食品药品监督管理总局(CFDA)的批准。它是首例获得中国监管部门批准的本土企业研发的创新药物。

  Smartphones showcase a sharper edge


  Corporate innovation rlects the energy of the people. For example, we met Mr. Wang, ajunior human resources administrator, in his modest room in Wuhan, the capital city of Hubeiprovince in central China. During our conversation, Mr. Wang was transfixed by his newsmartphone—a Xiaomi bought for Rmb700 (US$113) —and was intent on telling us how muchbetter it was than our iPhones. We were impressed by its features and functionality.


  Others we spoke to also wanted to share the excitement they felt in owning a piece of Chinese-made cutting-edge technology. This type of bottom-up passion can be especially powerful in avast country like China, where local companies, seeking to commercialise a product, benitfrom domestic demand and can build up Chinese distribution to test the waters bore goingglobal.


  Investors are often slow to recognize a country making the leap from manufacturing toinventing. In Japan, for example, TV manufacturing peaked during the 1980s, when many in theWest still saw “Made in Japan” as a sign of low quality. It wasn’t until the 1990s — when itsTV-makers relocated production to eastern Europe and Mexico — that the country becamerecognised as a global innovator in the field. Similarly, we believe that it’s only a matter of timebore a “Made in China” label—known in the West as a symbol of cheapness — will come torepresent novelty and even chic.


  New trends in retail connectivity


  Trendsetting is already underway in the retail space. Urban, young Chinese consumers told usthat they have a penchant for “showrooming.” In other words, they try on clothing in storesand then buy the item online for a better price, including inexpensive next-day delivery. Thisis facilitated by apps like TMall, part of China’s e-commerce giant Alibaba, which also ownsonline payment services Alipay. What’s more, clothing companies such as Fast Retailing actuallyendorse such behavior as it helps to track customer prerences and improve store andinventory management.

  创新的风气已在零售业领域兴起。在中国城市中,年轻的消费者告诉我们,他们偏爱一种名为“展厅现象”(showrooming)的消费模式。换句话说,他们在实体商店试穿衣服,然后到网上购买更便宜的同款商品,还包括便宜的次日到达配送服务。天猫(TMall)等网上商城的应用让网购更加便捷。天猫隶属于中国电子商务巨头阿里巴巴(Alibaba),后者还拥有在线支付服务——支付宝。更重要的是,包括迅销(Fast Retailing)在内的服装企业实际上也在支持这种行为,因为它有助于追踪客户偏好,并改善仓储和库存管理。

  Why is this happening in China? It’s because of the seamless connectivity betweencommunications technology, payment systems and order fulfilment and logistics. The Alipaysystem is so smoothly integrated that the transaction can be completed in a couple of clicks— completely bypassing the major credit card companies. And delivery is often done in lessthan a day at very low cost.


  China is well ahead of the rest of the world in this area. It has overtaken the US in terms of e-commerce trade. And it is reshaping the retail model in favor of businesses that are skilled atmanaging brands, merchandising and inventories, while those that don’t — like departmentstores — risk obsolescence. Once other countries catch up on the integrated technologicalfront we would expect the “fast retailing trend” to spread to the young generation around theworld.


  China’s evolution as a hotbed of innovation is creating a pool of world-class managementtalent, expertise and experience in technology and e-commerce industries that will help itbecome a global leader in these fields. Ultimately, this might be the most profound change ofall: instead of just charting its own course, China may soon be setting trends that the West willbe compelled to follow. It may be time for investors searching for the next big thing to startlooking east.



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