
2017-08-13 作者: 157阅读


  1. Don’t give her the silent treatment


  The best technique to get what you want and exert mental pressure on somebody is to give them the silent treatment. If you think that the silent treatment will always help you achieve a desirable result, then you’re mistaken. Sure, your mom will ruse to interactwith you as well. By all means, you should take immediate action to stop this cold war.


  2. Ruse to go into hysterics


  There’s no doubt that hysterics is an extremely fective type of manipulation, but you’re not a little girl. If you cannot prove your case, you shouldn’t burst into tears in front of your mother. Pull yourself together and try to reach a compromise against all odds. Every time, it seemed to me that I was losing control of my feelings, I prerred to shut up and wait until my heartache would fade away. I didn’t want my mom to absorb my negative emotions and think that I wasn’t strong and mature. It helped me reduce the frequency of hysterics and improved the relationship with my mother.


  3. Avoid deeply offensive words


  We’re living in a democratic world where we’re free to express our opinions and tell almost everything we want. Word is a unique and powerful thing that exerts a big influence on human mind. If you’re at odds with your mother, you should be carul what you say to her. Sometimes your word can be either a perfect pain reliever or a terrible weapon. Sooner or later, you’ll apologize for your bad behavior, but the words you’ve uttered and the feeling of resentment will live in her heart forever.


  4. Don’t draw other family members into a conflict


  I must confess that earlier I had a terrible habit of drawing my brother and dad into conflicts between me and my mom. I wanted them to support me and help us find a mutually benicial solution. Unfortunately, their active participation only intensified the problem. As a result, small and insignificant mother-daughter fights grew into long-lasting family conflicts. I learned a big lesson and realized that my bad temper made my family suffer.


  5. Enhance your communication


  How often do you communicate with your mother? Psychologists say that regular communication with your parents is a normal thing that makes them happier. Lack of communication between mothers and daughters can create emotional barriers and even trigger frequent quarrels. The generation gap is not the only barrier to fective and healthy communication with your mother. The main reasons are buried deep in your subconscious mind. When you finally find the reason, you’ll be able to overcome misunderstanding in communication with your mom and bridge the generation gap in a quite short period of time.



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