读书习惯 :14种方法帮你养成终生的阅读习惯.

2017-08-13 作者: 274阅读

  “To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a ruge from almost all them is eries of life.” — W. Somerset Maugham


  Some where after “lose weight”, “stop procrastinating”, and “fall in love”, “read more” is one of the top goals that many people set for themselves. And rightly so: A good book can be hugely satisfying, can teach you about things beyond your daily horizons, and can create characters so vivid you feel as if you really know them.


  If reading is a habit you’d like to get into, there are a number of ways to cultivate it.


  First,realize that reading is highly enjoyable, if you have a good book. If you have a lousy book (or an extremely difficult one) and you are forcing yourself through it,it will seem like a chore. If this happens for several days in a row,consider abandoning the book and finding one that you’ll really love.


  Other than that, try these tips to cultivate a lifetime reading habit:


  Set times. You should have a few set times during every day when you’ll read for at least 5-10 minutes.These are times that you will read no matter what — triggers that happen each day. For example, make it a habit to read during breakfast and lunch(and even dinner if you eat alone). And if you also read every time you’resitting on the can, and when you go to bed, you now have four times a day when you read for 10 minutes each — or 40 minutes a day. That’s a great start, and by itself would be an excellent daily reading habit. But there’s more you can do.

  找时间读书 无论多忙其实你每天都可以找出小段的时间来读书,哪怕只是5-10分钟。每天其实都有很多这样的机会,例如:在早餐和中餐的时候,看看书,甚至你一个人晚餐的时候也可以。每一次你蹲坑的时候,每一次入睡前,每次只要十分钟,这样以来,每天哪怕只有四次,加起来就有40分钟了,HOHO,多好的开端呀!对你而言,这是一个很好的读书习惯。你要做的,是坚持下来。

  Always carry a book. Wherever you go, take a book with you.When I leave the house, I always make sure to have my drivers license, my keys and my book, at a minimum. The book stays with me in the car, and I take it into the office and to appointments and pretty much everywhere I go, unless I know I dinitely won’t be reading (like at a movie).If there is a time when you have to wait (like at a doctor’s office or at the DMV), whip out your book and read. Great way to pass the time.

  上哪去都带本书 无论你去哪里,都别忘记带上一本书。当你准备出门的时候,除了别忘记带上你的驾驶本本,钥匙之外,带上你的书。你和你的书要一块呆在车里,一起去办公室,一起去见客户,你上哪书就去哪,除非你确认你真的不想看书了。打发等人和排队的无聊(排队等医生,等待换牌照),利用这些时间看看书就是最棒的方法了。

  Make a list. Keep a list of all the great books you want to read. You can keep this in your journal, in a pocket notebook, on your personal home page, on your personal wiki, wherever.Be sure to add to it whenever you hear about a good book, on line or in person.Keep a running list, and cross out the ones you read. Tech trick: create a Gmail account for your book list, and email the address every time you hear about a good book. Now your inbox will be your reading list. When you’ve read a book, file it under“Done”.If you want, you can even reply to the message (to the same address) with notes about the book, and those will be in the same conversation thread, so now your Gmail account is your reading log too.

  做一个读书的清单 做一个列表-上面是你想读的书的清单。你每天在任何角落都要能看到这份清单:你的日志,你的记事簿,你的个人主页,你的个人维基...而且,这份清单是动态的,当你从别人那里或者网上看到了一本好书,马上加进去;那本书你已经读过了,就划掉。还有一个高科技的法子就是:专门为你的读书清单创立一个Gmail的邮箱,你收件箱的邮件名就是你的读书清单。当你读完了一本书,你可以加上标签:已读,你有什么读后感,也可以写在里面.....这样以来,你的Gmail邮箱就会成为你读书的航海日志了。

  Find a quiet place. Find a place in your home where you can sit in a comfortable chair (don’t lay down unless you’re going to sleep) and curl up with a good book without interruptions. There should be notelevision or computer near the chair to minimize distractions, and no music ornoisy family members/roommates. If you don’t have a place like this, create one.

  找一个安静的地方读书 在自己家里找个地方,要有一把舒服的椅子(别躺在里面,除非你想睡觉)。在这里你可以成为一只书虫,没有任何打扰的。椅子周围要没有电视,没有电脑,没有娱乐设备,没有音乐,没有家眷,没有室友,打搅你,完全只有你自己。没有条件,就创造条件。

  Reduce television/Internet. If you really want to read more, try cutting back on TV or Internet consumption. This may be difficult for many people. Still, every minute you reduce of Internet/TV, you could use for reading. This could create hours of book reading time.

  减少上网和看电视的时间 如果你真想看书,还是别看电视和上网了。虽然对大多数人而言,这真的很难。但是其实,每一分钟看电视和上网的时间,你都可以用来看书的,浪费了多可惜,你每天可以节省下来几个小时间,用来读书的。

  Read to your kid. If you have children, you must, must read to them. Creating the reading habit in your kids is the best way to ensure they’ll be readers when they grow up … and it will help them to be successful in life as well. Find some great children’s books,and read to them. At the same time, you’re developing the reading habit in yourself … and spending some quality time with your child as well.

  读书给你的小孩听 如果你有小孩,你最好读书给他们听。从小养成读书的好习惯无疑会让他们收益终生。找一些适合小孩读的书,读给他们听的同时,你自己也养成了读书的习惯,也让你和小孩待在一起的时间很有价值。

  Keep a log. Similar to the reading list, this log should have not only the title and author of the books you read, but the dates you start and finish them if possible. Even better, put a note next to each with your thoughts about the book. It is extremely satisfying to go back over the log after a couple of months to see all the great books you’ve read.

  做读书笔记 和读书列表清单一样,读书笔记不仅仅记录书名和作者,你读这本书开始和读完的时间。更进一步,是你读书时,所思所想的记录。几个月之后,你再回头翻翻读书笔记的时候,一定会有更深的体会。

  Go to used bookshops. My favorite place to go is a discount bookstore where I drop off all my old books(I usually take a couple of boxes of books) and get a big discount on used books I find in the store. I typically spend only a couple of dollars for a dozen or more books, so although I read a lot, books aren’t a major expense. And it is very fun to browse through the new books people have donated. Make your trip to a used book store a regular thing.

  逛逛二手书店 我最喜欢的地方就是二手书店,在这里我可以处理掉我的一大堆旧书,拿到我想要的二手书。同样的钱,这里可以买到两倍甚至等多的书,虽然我买了很多很多书,但并没有花多少钱。同时,挑选别人捐赠的新书也有一件很有意思的事情。定期的逛二手书店会变成你的习惯的。

  Have a library day. Even cheaper than a used book shop is a library, of course. Make it a weekly trip.

  去图书馆吧 比二手书店更划算的是图书馆,当然,先做一个每周逛图书馆的计划。

  Read fun and compelling books. Find books that really grip you and keep you going. Even if they aren’t literary masterpieces, they make you want to read — and that’s the goal here. After you have cultivated the reading habit,you can move on to more difficult stuff, but for now, go for the fun, gripping stuff. Stephen King, John Grisham, Tom Clancy,Robert Ludlum, Nora Roberts, SueGrafton, Dan Brown … all those popular authorsare popular for a reason — they tell great stories. Other stuff you might like:Vonnegut, William Gibson, Douglas Adams, Nick Hornby, Trevanian, Ann Patchett,Terry Pratchett, Terry McMillan,F. Scott Fitzgerald. All excellent storytellers.

  读读搞笑的有意思的书 找那些真正吸引你的书,会使你一直保持读书的动力。即使这些书不是文学名著,你也同样想读,这是你的目标所在。养成了读书的习惯之后,你当然可以读更难更有挑战的书,但是现在,读读那些更有意思的更吸引你的书吧:这些都是鼎鼎有名的作家,他们的小说一所以流行的重要原因就是:都在讲述那些有趣的伟大故事:史蒂芬.金,约翰·格里森姆,TomClancy, Robert Ludlum, Nora Roberts, Sue Grafton, Dan Brown …这些家伙也肯定合你的胃口:库特?冯内果,威廉·吉布森,DouglasAdams, Nick Hornby, Trevanian, Ann Patchett, TerryPratchett, Terry McMillan, F.Scott Fitzgerald.他们都是极其出色的小说家。

  Make it pleasurable. Make your reading time your favorite time of day. Have some good tea or coffee while you read, or another kind of treat.Get into a comfortable chair with a good blanket. Read during sunrise or sunset, or at the beach.

  让读书变成一种享受 看书的时候,沏一壶好茶,泡一杯香浓的咖啡,在你的椅子上放一张舒适的毛毯,在晨曦或是落日时间,在海边看书,让读书成为你一天当中最惬意的时光。

  Blog it. One of the best ways to form a habit is to put it on your blog. If you don’t have one, create one. It’s free. Have your family go there and give you book suggestions and comment on the ones you’re reading. It keeps you accountable for your goals.

  在博客里谈谈你的读书 最好的方法是在博客里谈谈你的读书,如果你没有,马上建一个,这是免费的。让你的家人和朋友在博客的留言里给你建议和意见,会促使你达到这个目标。

  Set a high goal. Tell yourself that you want to read 50 books this year (or some other number like that). Then set about trying to accomplish it. Just be sure you’re still enjoying the reading though — don’t make it a rushed chore.

  设立你的读书目标 设立一个自己一年要读50本书的鸿愿,然后试着完成这个目标。当然,前提是:你把读书当成一种享受,而不是一件紧急的又又不得不做的烦心事。

  Have a reading hour or reading day. If you turn off the TV or Internet in the evening, you could have a set hour (perhaps just after dinner) when you and maybe all the members of your family read each night. Or you could do a reading day, when you (and again, your other family members if you can get them to join you) read for practically the whole day. It’s super fun.

  专门的读书时间 在晚上晚餐后也可以,关掉你的电视和网络,你有一个专门的一个小时用来读书,当然你也可以说服你的家人在这一个小时除了看书什么都不干。设立一整天的读书日也是一个好主意,叫你的家人都来参与吧,非常有意思。


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