
2017-08-13 作者: 273阅读

  基于Digitl TV 最新的研究报告,在对138个国家的统计之后,数字电视家庭用户将从2010年的6.5亿增加至16.5亿,增幅高达180%,单到2015年底全球数字家庭用户也将增加1.34亿。

  Based on forecasts for 138 countries, the number of digital TV homes will increase by more than 1 billion between 2010 and 2020 to 1.65 billion – or up by 180%, according to a new report from Digital TV Research. The total will climb by 134 million homes in 2015 alone.

  在Digital TV的报告中,到2020年底,全球数字电视的普及率将达到97.6%,93个国家将完全达到数字化而目前仅有17个国家达到这个标准,而这个数字在2010年仅为40.5%,2014年底67.2%,届时将存在124个国家2020年渗透率超过90%。

  According to the Digital TV World Household Forecasts report, global digital TV penetration will reach 97.6% of television households by end-2020, up from 40.5% at end-2010 and 67.2% at end-2014. By 2020, 93 countries will be completely digital compared with only 17 at end-2014. About 124 countries will have more than 90% digital penetration by 2020.


  The number of digital TV households in Asia Pacific will increased by 400 million between 2014 and 2020, with 93 million to be added in 2015 alone. Sub-Saharan Africa will more than double its base over the same period, with Latin America nearly doubling its total.


  China will boast 454 million digital homes by end-2020 – or 27% of the global total – up by 169 million on 2014. India will overtake the US to take second place in 2015. India will add 95 million digital TV homes between 2014 and 2020 to double its total.

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