
2017-08-13 作者: 256阅读


  1.Keep your cool.


  Shameless people are usually doing boisterous things to get attention. By not engaging intheir drama, you take their power away and remove the wind from their sails.But if you fall into the trap of whatever catastrophe they’re trying to create,you’ll end up the embarrassed one. By not engaging, you separate yourself fromthe consequences as well as the emotional turmoil.


  2.Avoid shaming them.


  According to an article in Psychology Today, shameless people are usually full of deepshame, and their “I don’t care” attitude is how they’re coping with it. Whatthat means to you, is that if you shame them deeper, you’re likely to causethem to act out in a greater way. So return to step one, and keep your cool.You don’t want to set off a chain of events that are targeted at you.


  3.Get some sleep.


  This may seem entirely unrelated to dealing with shameless people, but not gettingenough sleep makes everything and everyone harder to deal with. Sleep rechargesyour brain, shuffling and discarding memories while you slumber (dreams), soyou can wake up rreshed and clear-headed. Your memory, self-control, andattention span are reduced when you’re tired, and sleep deprivation raiseshormones causing stress even without an aggravator. So if you are facing anobnoxious over-sharer, or an inappropriately dressed co-worker, you’re going tobe much more irritated than you would have been if you’d slept well.


  4.Don’t forget what they’ve done.


  I’m all for forgiving people for stupid things they’ve done, because harboringtoxic feelings inside is a recipe for disaster. But to forgive, does not meanto forget. If you forget that they have no problem yelling loudly inappropriatephrases in public, then you’ll be the one stuck with egg on your face wheneveryone in the nice restaurant you’re eating lunch at, is staring in shock.You can make peace without making friends. People don’t change as often as we’dlike to think.


  5.Set boundaries.


  It’s okay to tell people what you find acceptable and what you will not stand for.If you have a co-worker who makes sexual comments, or makes you uncomfortable,it’s perfectly okay to tell them not to treat you that way. Be specific,articulate, and clear. You don’t want there to be any room for interpretation.“I’m not comfortable with physical touch of any kind, or with you rerencingmy body in any way.” When you set clear boundaries, you will be more capable oftaking action against the shameless person, should they cross the line.


  6.Sort out the facts from the drama.


  Shameless people are often perpetual liars who boldly spew lie after lie to drawattention to themselves. And they get away with it because no one wants toconfront or embarrass them. This can be frustrating, and even confusing attimes. But the more ridiculous it is, the easier it will be to sort through itall to find the facts. When you ignore the added drama, and address only thehard facts, it takes away the power of the lies, and discourages that kind ofbehavior. It shows them that they’ll get attention for being truthful, and sothey’ll want to steer more in that direction. And even if they don’t, it willhelp you to feel more in control.


  7.Stay aware.


  Getting caught off guard can suck you right into the trap of a shameless person. Boreyou know what’s happening, you’re angry and arguing, when you could have keptyour cool. You can’t stop someone from pushing your buttons, if you don’t seeit coming. If you’re alert, you can remove yourself from the situation and takea moment to regroup. While you’re alone, come up with a plan to deal with thesituation, and attack it head on. In this way, you’ll focus more on thesolution than the problem, which will help you to alleviate some of thrustration and anger that can arise when the problem is all you can see.


  8.Maintain a great support system.


  Some shameless people are more work than any individual can take on alone, andmaintaining a great support system of rational people, can help you to keep aclear perspective. When someone is ranting loudly at you about their biasedthinking all day long, it can start making you feel like you’re the cray one,but if you have friends or coworkers that are rational, they’ll set the recordstraight. They may even be able to laugh about it with you, which willalleviate some of the stress it’s causing.



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