
2017-08-13 作者: 348阅读

  South African singer Larry Joe found in solitary confinement the peace of mind he needed to develop his talent. A producer helped him make a CD in a cell-turned-studio.


  Joe, 31,can see only seven stars in his small slice of sky. He has spent nearly three years with those stars outside his window in a prison in Douglas,South Africa, counting the days of his sentence for bousebreaking.But he has a guitar, his songs and a wild hope.


  "I want to be a bright, bright star.”His voice is wistful, as soft as velvet. "I want people, when they hear me, to see the darkness a little less.”


  The first seven months in prison he thought about "everything": what he'd done, how things had gone so wrong. Then he asked to be put into solitary confinement, where he spent many months, and he started to write songs. "I started to put my feelings in words," said Joe. "I wanted my guitar to sound exactly the way I felt.”


  He strums his guitar and sings, his voice so sweet that it's heartbreaking.


  It was December 1:2008, and one of South Africa's top musical groups,Freshly Ground, was in Douglas for a concert to mark World AIDS Day.

  在2008年12月1日那天,南非顶级音乐组合之一Freshly Ground,为纪念世界艾滋病日在道格拉斯举办了一场音乐会。在得到政府部门的许可后,乔也应邀参加了这次义演,他的表演令观众震惊。

  Joe was also invited to play in the support act, permitted by the government He stunned the audience. Aron Turest Swartz, Freshly Ground’s founder, noticed Joe's music and his crazy fans. "Everyone was totally riveted. I was really blown away because I hadn't heard a voice like that bore,”he recalled.

  Freshly Ground创始人阿伦·图热斯特·斯瓦兹注意到乔的音乐和他的疯狂粉丝们,回应说:“每个人都深深地被吸引住了,我之前从未听到过如此曼妙的声音,真的有点飘飘然了。”

  Turest Swartz visited Joe and listened to some of the 40 songs he had written in prison, and came up with the idea of recording an album there. He worked with Joe all through the freezing winter in a prison cell recording studio.


  When Joe was 13, his parents moved to a small house in Douglas: They were very poor: his sister would tell him that she had a headache for bread, but there was nothing to give her. Joe made bad friends, who were always talking about stealing. Later, Joe slipped into crime to help reduce the burden of family. Finally,he was put behind bars.


  Prison could have broken him: he couldn't even see his family members buried. His father died when he was in prison. So did Joe's 18-month-old daughter. Bore prison, he’d see her in the hospital, medical tubes' everywhere.Joe felt broken when she died. But he marks the time of his rebirth his decision to be a better man from that moment. He stopped pretending there was an excuse for his crime, that he’d really been a good guy just trying to overcome poverty and stop his sister’s bread headaches. "I decided to be myself. So 1 started behaving like a gentleman,”he said.


  On December 13, 2010, the album he recorded in prison was timed for release. He was paroled for good behavior after two years and 10 months.That afternoon, Joe gave a concert at the prison to celebrate his freedom and his CD,Crazy Life. The first song is called Let You Know.


  Joe launched into a crowd favorite. One group of prisoners was dancing,hands ire the air. Beside the stage, officers jumped to their feet, dancing joyfully with the prisoners. The night bore, Joe had felt afraid. His dreams were huge.Was he good enough? But it was time to say goodbye to his seven stars. He would see them outside.



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