2017-08-13 352阅读
As investors fixate on the global forces whipsawing the markets, one fundamental measure of stock-market value, the price/earnings ratio, is shrinking in size and importance. And the diminution might not stop for a while.
The P/E ratio, thrust into prominence during the 1930s by value investors Benjamin Graham and David Dodd, measures the amount of money investors are paying for a company's earnings. Typically, companies that post strong earnings growth enjoy richer stock prices and fatter P/E ratios than those that don't.
But while U.S. companies announced record profits during the second quarter, and beat forecasts by a comfortable 10% margin, on average, the stock market has dropped 5% this month.
The stock market's average price/earnings ratio, meanwhile, is in free fall, having plunged about 35% during the past year, the largest 12-month decline since 2003. It now stands at about 14.9, compared with 23.1 last September, based on trailing 12-month earnings results. Basedon profit expectations over the next 12 months, the P/E ratio has fallen to 12.2 from about 14.5 in May.
股市平均市盈率目前快速下滑,过去一年累计跌约35%,为2003年以来12个月的最大跌幅。根据对12个月获利的追踪,目前股市平均市盈率约为14.9,去年9月时为23.1。基于对未来12个月的获利预估,市盈率已从5月时的 14.5降至12.2。
So what explains the contraction? In short, economic uncertainty. A steady procession of bad news, from the European financial crisis to fears of dlation in the U.S., has prompted analysts to cut profit forecasts for 2011.
"The market is worrying not just about a slowdown, but worse," said Tobias Levkovich, chi U.S. equity strategist at Citigroup Global Markets in New York. "People want clarity bore they make a decision with their money."
Three months ago, analysts expected the companies in the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index to boost profits 18% in 2011. Now, they predict 15%. Mutual-fund, hedge-fund and other money managers put the increase at closer to 9%, according to a recent Citigroup survey, while Mr. Levkovich' s estimate is for 7% growth.
"The sustainability of earnings is in doubt," said Howard Silverblatt, an index analyst at S&P in New York. "Estimates are still optimistic."
Equally troublesome,analysts' forecasts are becoming scattered. In May, the range between the highest and lowest analyst forecasts of s&P 500 earnings per share in 2011 was $12. Morgan Stanley predicted $85 a share, while UBS predicted $97 a share. Now, the spread is $15. Barclays said $80 a share; Deutsche Bank predicts $95.
同样让人烦恼的是,分析师的预估有多有少。5月时,分析师对2011年标准普尔500指数成分股的每股盈余进行了预估,最高和最低差值为12美元。摩根士丹利预计为每股盈余85美元,瑞银预估为97美元。目前最高和最低差值为 15美元,巴克莱预计为每股盈余80美元,德意志银行预计为95美元。
When profit forecasts are tightly clustered, it signals to investors that there is consensus among prognosticators; when they diverge wildly, it shows a lack of clarity. The P/E ratio tends to fall as uncertainty rises, and vice versa.
"A stock is worth its future earnings, but that involves uncertainty," said Jeremy Siegel, professor of finance at the University of Pennsylvania 's Wharton School. "The more uncertainty there is, the lower the P/E will be." Not only is the P/E ratio dropping, it also is in danger of losing some of its prominence as a market.
That is because, with profit and economic forecasts becoming less reliable, investors are focusing more on global economic events as they make trading decisions, parsing everything from Japanese government -debt statistics to shipping patterns in the Baltic region.
To some extent this is in keeping with historical patterns. P/E ratios often shrink in size and significance during periods of uncertainty as investors focus on broader economic themes.
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