
2017-08-13 作者: 217阅读


  Talking over others stops the flow ofconversation and is also disrespectful to the person speaking. This faux pas is forgivable from time to time, but when it becomes a persistentcharacteristic, interrupting may cost you your job. and even a few friends.


  Along with learning how to be patient, retraining your brain to change how it responds to instant ideas can curb your interrupting ways. Here are a few tips to take into consideration:


  1.Write it down: When listening, if a great thought comes to mind, discretely write it down in a notebook while keeping up with the conversation, especially when meeting withsenior managers or important clients. Wait for a break in conversation bore asserting your opinion or new ideas.

  1.记下你的想法: 当你在倾听时,如果你想到了一个好点子,那就一边听对话在讲什么一边把你的想法记下来,特别是在倾听高级管理层或是重要客户讲话的时候。等到休息的时间再表达自己的观点或新点子。

  2.Ask a question: Instead of busting someone's talking flow, wait until the end of a thought and share your view phrased as a question. Yes, you're still cutting in, but asking a question creates an opportunity to offer new ideas and thoughts while sticking with the direction of the discussion.

  2.采取询问的方式: 等一个新点子在你脑中从出现到成形后用一种提问的方式向对方表达出来,而不是直接打断别人的谈话。这样,你依然是在插话,但是使用询问的方式给你表达新点子提供了机会,同时没有改变你们谈话的方向。

  3.Get help: Enlist an office buddy or good friend to tip you off when you interrupt. Come up with a special hand signal or give your helper the OK to deliver a swift kick under the table to curb your interrupting ways.

  3.寻求帮助: 寻求一名办公伙伴或者是好朋友在你打断别人时给你提示。可以想出一个特殊的手势或者允许你的帮手在你打断别人时在桌下及时踢你一脚。

  4.Take a breath: The next time you have an idea you can't contain, simply open your mouth and take a quick, short breath. This tricks the mind into thinking that you've expressedyourself, creating a moment to focus and write the idea down instead of blurting it out.

  4.呼吸法: 下一次当你有了新点子没法控制自己不说出口时,只要张开嘴巴做一个短促的呼吸。这将会使你的大脑误以为你已经表达了自己的观点,并且给你时间去思考和记下自己的点子,而不是不假思索地说出口。

  5.Practice impulse control: Keeping your impulse control in check is the key to curbing the bad habit of interrupting. When you have the urge to interrupt, do something to forget.Remove a ring from one finger and put it on another, make an X on a sheet of paper, or simply count to 10 in your head. Bore you know it, you'll be able to comfortably control your need to interrupt.

  5.控制冲动: 抑制自己的冲动是抑制打断别人的坏习惯的关键所在。当你很想打断别人时,做点其他事转移注意力。可以把你的戒指从一只手指移到另一只手指上,或者在纸上打个叉,亦或者在心中默数十下。那么在你没有意识到的情况下,你就很轻松地控制住了想要打断别人的冲动。

  6.Stay focused: If you're in a business meeting and having a hard time keeping things to yourself, focus by taking meticulous notes. While writing down what's happening, includeyour personal thoughts and unique ideas to share at the appropriate time.

  6.集中注意力: 如果在一个商业会议中你很难憋住不谈自己的想法,那么就通过记载详细的笔记来集中注意力。在记下会议上讨论的内容的同时,记下自己的个人观点和独特的想法,然后在适当的时机与他人分享。

  7.Be the best listener in the room: When you get the itch to interrupt, change thocus to the speaker and transform into the best listener in the room. Nod along, maintain eye contact, and lean into the speaker to show you're listening. This encourages the brain to connect with your auditory skills instead of brainstorming.

  7.做全办公室最好的倾听者: 当你心痒痒地想打断别人时,把你的注意力转移到发言者的身上,并且成为全办公室最好的倾听者。在发言人讲话时不断点头,保持与发言人的眼神交流,并且身体斜向他,以此来表明你在认真听他讲话,这会使你的大脑调用听觉而不是进行头脑风暴。

  8.Apologize: The minute you interrupt, apologize sincerely, then immediately stop talking. Acknowledging you've butted in leaves a smart impression. Just make sure to not repeat the mistake.

  8.道歉: 在你打断别人说话后立即真诚地道歉,然后保持沉默。向别人承认自己的插嘴会给对方留下聪明的印象。之后要确保自己不再犯同样的错误。

  9.Zip it: That's right, zip it. During important meetings, or even casual lunches with your favorite friends, keep your mouth closed while others are talking. Imagine your lips arepermanently sealed until you're asked a question or the conversation is directed to you.

  9.把嘴巴拉上拉链: 是的,给嘴巴拉上拉链。在重要的会议上,或是和好朋友进行休闲午餐,在别人说话时让自己闭嘴。想象你的嘴唇被永远地缝上了,除非回答问题或者话题是针对你的,你才可以开口。

  10.Wait for it: Part of being a good sharer is being a smart listener. Focus on the speaker's sentence structure and style of speech. You'll pick up on clues, such as a deep breath after finishing a thought or the shuffling of papers when moving onto a new topic, tipping you off to the right time for sharing ideas and opinions.

  10.等待时机: 一个聪明的倾听者通常能成为一个好的观点分享者。注意发言人讲话的句式和演讲风格,你将很容易观察到一些线索,比如在发言者表达完一个想法后深呼吸,或者发言者翻动文件以进入下一个话题,这些都给了你提示,在最合适的时机分享自己的想法和观点。


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