手机如何影响睡眠 睡觉时手机放在哪.

2017-08-13 作者: 199阅读


  Several years ago my boss passed out from exhaustion after staying up late to catch up onwork. She banged her head on the way down and ended up with five stitches — and becamewhat she calls a "sleep evangelist." Now she leaves her phone charging in another room whenshe goes to bed and encourages friends to do the same。



  "I sent all my friends the same Christmas gift — a Pottery Barn alarm clock — so they couldstop using the excuse that they needed their very tempting iPhone by their bed to wake themup in the morning," she said。

  她这样说道:“我给我所有的朋友都送了同样的圣诞节礼物:一个Pottery Barn牌的闹钟,这样他们就不能再把手机当闹钟作为上床玩手机的借口啦。”

  If your phone wakes you up in the morning, it may also be keeping you up at night. A 2008study funded by major mobile phone makers themselves showed that people exposed tomobile radiation took longer to fall asleep and spent less time in deep sleep。


  "The study indicates that during laboratory exposure to 884 MHz wireless signals componentsof sleep believed to be important for recovery from daily wear and tear are adverselyaffected," the study concluded。


  And that's just a physical symptom of sleeping near the phone — "sham" exposure to aphone without radiation failed to produce the same fect. The itch to check in at all hours ofthe night or wake up to the sound of a text message disrupts our sleep, too。


  A quarter of young people feel like they must be available by phone around the clock,according to a Swedish study that linked heavy cell phone use to sleeping problems, stress anddepression. Unreturned messages carry more guilt when the technology to address them liesat our fingertips. Some teens even return text messages while they are asleep。


  Most of us choose not to set limits on our nighttime availability. Nearly three-quarters ofpeople from the age of 18 to 44 sleep with their phones within reach, according to a 2012Time/Qualcomm poll. That number falls off slightly in middle age, but only in people 65 andolder is leaving the phone in another room as common as sleeping right next it。



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