
2017-08-13 作者: 237阅读

  2011年,一部《甄嬛传》火遍大江南北,如今,娘娘携《芈(mǐ )月传》强势归来,且看“甄嬛娘娘”与“霓凰郡主”棋逢对手,互飙演技,快快备好瓜子,端好板凳,坐等耐撕的芈月娘娘们咯!

  The first two episodes of a new TV drama attracted a record high 700 million hits on the web in just 24 hours.The 81-episode historical epic The Legend of Miyue started airing on Beijing Television and Shanghai's Dragon TV on Tuesday. At the same time, it went live on Tencent Video and LeTV 。


  Tencent Video said the two episodes and related material, including previews and outtakes, had attracted 360 million hits by the end of day one.LeTV, one of Tencent's biggest rivals, secured 340 million hits over the same period, but didn't disclose the makeup of the web traffic.Repeated viewings by the same internet user are counted as extra hits or clicks.


  The Legend of Miyue, based on a popular online novel, tells the story of Mi Yue and her life entwined with politics, war and romance. Mi Yue, a real historical figure who lived during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC), was the first empress dowager in China.Miyue is another historical epic to star actress Sun Li after her hugely successful The Legend of Zhen Huan in 2011.


  Demand for online video is skyrocketing in China. According to the South China Morning Post, as of June, China had 460 million registered users, a three-fold rise from 2008. Among them, 354 million people (or 76 percent of the total) watch video on their smartphones, with the remainder prerring to use their PCs or televisions.



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