
2017-08-13 作者: 222阅读

  Scientists Say Being 'Hangry' Is Normal AndPerhaps Even Genetic


  Do you get impatient and lose your temper whenyou've gone without nourishment for a long time?Then you are suffering from 'hanger', a newly coinedterm that describes the inexplicable irritation someof us experience when our stomachs are growling.Turns out there is logical scientific explanation forthis often uncontrollable reaction.


  Though there are a number of factors that result in hanger, they all stem from low glucoselevels in the bloodstream caused by lack of food. While other body organs can function usingother nutrients, the brain relies solely on glucose. Thus when the levels start to get low thebrain panics and sends instructions to other body organs that release hormones to increasethe amount of glucose in the bloodstream. Among them is adrenaline, the same hormone thatevokes a "flight or fight" response, when we face a dangerous situation.


  Fortunately, for most people this is a transient irritation that is easily resolved with the intakeof food. However, for a select few it results in hard to control violent aggression. Dr. BradBushman at Ohio State University thinks it may be worth investigating if there is a link betweenhanger and violence, a better understanding of hanger may also help people struggling withobesity.

  幸运的是,对大多数人来说,这只是暂时的愤怒感,吃完食物就会消逝。可是,还是有个别人难以控制自己情绪,做出暴力行为。俄亥俄州立大学的Brad Bushman博士认为,饥饿和愤怒之间是否有联系是值得去研究的,对饥饿感更深层的了解也许能够帮到肥胖症患者。

  However, bore we can use this study to our advantage, there is one mystery that still needsto be resolved - How is the feeling created? Salis says that if scientists can identify the exact'molecular mechanisms' in the brain that triggers the sensations of hunger and hanger, theymay be able to come up with a solution to mitigate its negative impact. Unfortunately, untilthey do find a cure, people with hanger issues will just have to keep it in check by eating lotsof yummy (healthy) food!



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