
2017-08-13 作者: 226阅读

  A "simple" brainteaser for children has sparked an online debate, with many adults arguing about what the correct answer is.


  The apples, bananas and coconuts conundrum is being widely shared online, leaving some puzzle solvers perplexed.


  Problem solvers must work out which number each fruit piece symbolizes in order to crack the brainteaser.


  Internet users have been arguing that the answer to the final equation is anything from 14, 15, 16 to 20.


  The Problem Site explains:


  3 apples = 30, so 1 apple = 10.

  3个苹果= 30,所以1个苹果= 10。

  10 + 2 bananas = 18, so 2 bananas = 8 and 1 banana = 4

  10 + 2串香蕉= 18,所以2串香蕉= 8,所以1串香蕉= 4。

  4 - 1 coconut = 2, so 1 coconut = 2

  4 - 1个椰子= 2,所以1个椰子= 2。

  Therore, 1 coconut + 1 apple + 1 banana = 2 + 10 + 4 = 16

  因此,1个椰子+1个苹果+1串香蕉= 2 + 10 + 4 = 16。

  However, if you look a little closer at the problem you will see that 16 is not the right answer.


  “Although this is the answer everyone seems to be giving, it's actually not correct. Notice that each bunch of bananas has four bananas (look closely!) except the one in the final line, which has 3 bananas. Also notice that the third line has one coconut, while the last line has only 1/2 of a coconut,” The Problem Site adds. “This changes things!”


  3 apples = 30, so 1 apple = 10.

  3个苹果= 30,所以1个苹果= 10。

  10 + 8 bananas = 18, so 8 bananas = 8 and 1 banana = 1

  10 + 8只香蕉= 18,所以8只香蕉= 8,1只香蕉= 1。

  4 - 1 coconut = 2, so 1 coconut = 2

  4 - 1只椰子为2,所以1只椰子= 2。

  Therore, 1/2 coconut + 1 apple + 3 bananas = 1 + 10 + 3 = 14

  所以,半个椰子+1个苹果+ 3只香蕉= 1 + 10 + 3 = 14。

  So there you have it, 14 is the right answer.


  Or is it? Dr Kevin Bowman, course leader for Mathematics at the University of Central Lancashire, told Mail Online that due to the ambiguity of the riddle, “there are an infinite amount of possible answers”.



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