
2017-08-13 作者: 218阅读

  If you could have one superpower, what would it be?


  More time. More energy. If the world can put more of both into the hands of the poorest, we believe it will allow millions of dreams to take flight. Just imagine, for a minute, life without energy. Without access to energy, the poor are stuck in the dark, denied all of these benits and opportunities that come with power.


  What I needed was an equation that would help me understand how we might get our CO2 down to zero.Here’s what I came up with: None of the first three—population, services, and energy—are getting close to zero. But to stop climate change and make energy affordable for everyone, we’re also going to need some new inventions.

  我所需要的是一个等式,可以助我理解如何把二氧化碳排放量降至零。 我想到的如下:人口、服务和能源这前三项都没有减至零。但若要阻止气候变化,让人人能享用得起能源,我们仍需要新发明。

  It would help, of course, if we had a great system for storing solar and wind power. But right now, the best storage option is rechargeable batteries, and they are expensive. Lithium-ion batteries like the one inside your laptop are still the gold standard.So we need more powerful, more economical solutions. In short, we need an energy miracle.


  New ways to make solar and wind power available to everyone around the clock could be one solution. Many of these ideas won’t work, but that’s okay. Each dead end will teach us something usul and keep us moving forward.


  But to find thousands of ways that won’t work, you first need to try thousands of different ideas. I recently helped launch an fort by more than two dozen private citizens that willcomplement government research aimed at delivering energy miracles being done by several countries. It’s all .


  First, it’s important for everyone to get educated about this energy challenge. Second, if you’re someone with some crazy-sounding ideas to solve our energy challenge, the world needs you. In the end, the goal is to change what we think of as normal.


  Our own experience working together on health, development, and energy the last two decades has been one of the most rewarding parts of our lives. It has transformed who we are and continues to fuel our optimism about how much the lives of the poorest people will improve in the years ahead.



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