2017-08-13 232阅读
到东北地区下过乡:worked in the countryside in Northeast China
提振信心:boost confidence
业态的创新:develop new business formats/types of operation
工业强基工程:the project to strengthen industrial development at the grass-rootslevel
供给侧结构改革:supply-side structural rorm
有能力和条件实现中高速增长:China's economy is positioned to grow at a medium-high speed
离职潮:waves of resignation
中国故事的讲述人:narrators of China story
没有多大获得感:don’t benit a lot from ...
香港旺角骚乱:Mongkok riot
影响了通航自由:undermine the freedom of navigation
国际产能合作:international cooperation on production capacity
精准扶贫和脱贫:take targeted measures to alleviate and eliminate poverty
对贫困民族地区要高看一眼、厚道一点:give priority to/provide more support for poverty-alleviation projects in areas inhabited by ethnic minorities
包虫病:hidatid disease; hydatidosis; EC disease;
启动红色预警:activate red alert
鼓励人们绿色出行: encourage people to go green/drive less when getting around
为规划的制定献言献策: contribute their input to the making of the plan
经济增长的支撑基础和条件没有变:what underlies economic growth remains out there
巩固原有优势,发展新优势:build ontheir existing strengths to shape new edges
委员对提出提案有冷有热:members aredivided in their passion about putting forward proposals; not all members are passionate about putting forward proposals;
深入一线摸实情、听呼声:reach out to the forront to get the real picture and heed/hear what people have to say onthe ground
为人才流动现象喝彩:applaud the freer movement of human resources
确保一国两制的实施不走样不变形:ensure that the implementation of “One Country, Two Systems ”is on the right track/is not off track/will not go astray/stay on course
是短板的短板:the weakest linkin ...
决不允许任何一个民族掉队:leave no ethnic minorities behind
治理雾霾是一场人民战争,更是一场持久战:the fight against smog is a protracted people’s war
反腐问题上要利剑高悬,始终保持高压态势:the crackdown on/the hard line against corruption is here to stay
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