救命之恩永难忘 企鹅每年游5千英里看望老人.

2017-08-13 作者: 44阅读


  Retired bricklayer and part time fisherman Joao Pereira de Souza, 71, from an island village just outside Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, discovered the tiny penguin languishing on rocks in 2011.


  The helpless creature was starving and covered in oil but Mr de Souza took him in and nursed him back to health, naming the South American Magellanic penguin Dindim. It took him a week just to clean the sticky black residue from the bird's feathers.


  When Dindim was well again Mr de Souza released him back into the sea, never expecting to see his new friend again. He was astonished when, just a few months later, the penguin returned to the island where he recognised Mr de Souza and returned home with him.


  Now, Dindim spends eight months of the year with Mr de Souza and spends the rest of his time breeding off the coast of Argentina and Chile. The flightless bird is believed to swim around 5,000 miles everytime he returns to Mr de Souza.


  Mr Pereira de Souza said he fed Dindim a daily diet of fish to improve his strength then took him back to the sea to let him go. 'But he wouldn't leave, he stayed with me for 11 months,' recalled the retired builder.


  'Everyone said he wouldn't return but he has been coming back to visit me for the past four years.' Experts said it appears as though Dindim recognises Mr de Souza as he would another penguin, and acts accordingly.



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