
2017-08-13 作者: 671阅读


  1.to be a square peg in a round hole方形的钉子插在圆形的孔里,指格格不入

  2.His appearance here is like a square peg in a round hole.他在这里出现,显得有些格格不入。

  3.to go back to square one由于受挫或陷入僵局而从头开始

  4.The attempt failed and we had to go back to square one.尝试失败了,因此我们得重新开始。

  5.be there, or be square一定要来,不见不散


  6. There's a bunch of people going to be at John's on Saturday. Be there or be square.一堆人周六要去约翰家聚会呢,你不能不来哦。

  7.call sth square/square accounts双方扯平、互不相欠

  8.He deliberately insulted me but I'll square accounts with him one day.他故意侮辱我,但总有一天我会跟他算账的。

  9.something doesn’t cut any squares with one不受某事影响

  10. The quarrel doesn’t cut any squares with him. 他完全不受这场争吵的影响。

  11.to be fair and square公平对待每个人

  12.I ask no odds, I just want you to be fair and square.我不要求特殊照顾,我只要求您公正。

  13.to look someone square in the eye看着某人的眼睛,表示坦诚

  14. He sat me down, looked me square in the eye and said, "I love you." 他拉我着坐下,看着我的眼睛说,我爱你。

  15.on the square诚实公正地、正大光明地

  16. We just want this trail on the square.我们只希望这场审判能够正大光明地进行。

  17.out of square不一致;不协调

  18. Both reports are from supposedly reliable sources, but they are out of square.两份报道按说来源都可靠,但两者却有出入。

  19.a square answer坦诚的答案

  20 He offered us a square answer. 他给了我们一个坦诚的答案。

  21.to square away校正或摆好;整顿就绪

  22. He is trying to get all his legal troubles squared away as soon as possible. 他努力把所有法律上的麻烦搞定。

  23.a square deal公平交易

  24. The workers were offered a square deal of a 40-hour week and guaranteed overtime.工人们得到了每周40小时和保证支付加班费的公正待遇。

  25.a square meal一份完整的、营养丰富的餐食

  26.Three square meals(经常简化为three squares):指早、中、晚传统三餐。

  27. They haven't had a square meal for four or five days.他们已经四五天没吃上一顿像样的饭了。

  28.to square off摆好架势准备战斗或比赛

  29. French soldiers squared off with a gunman at a road checkpoint.在一个公路检查站法国士兵摆开阵势,准备迎战一名持枪者。

  30.to square up解决或妥协,也指勇敢地与某人或某事对峙

  31. I have something to square up with you.我有点事要和你商谈解决一下。

  32. The world's most prestigious insurance company was last night squaring up to take on MPs who have accused it of being riddled with corruption.世界上最负盛名的保险公司昨晚作出回应,要和那些指责其腐败泛滥的议员们较量一番。

  33.to square one’s shoulders挺起肩膀、胸膛,可指这一动作,也可比喻准备迎接挑战。

  34.You need to square your shoulders for the subsequent task.为了接下来的任务,你要做好准备。

  35.to attempt to square the circle做不可能的事

  36. It is easier to square the circle than to get round a mathematician.从数学家面前混过去比“化圆为方”还难。

  37.to square something with someone与某人就某事协调或达成一致

  38. I squared it with Dan, who said it was all right so long as I was back next Monday morning.我征得了丹的同意,他说只要我下周一早上能回来就行。


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