
2017-08-13 作者: 271阅读


  1. Wisteria Flower Tunnel (Japan)


  This flower garden is located in Japan and is a private area. When the blooming season approaches, hundreds of wisteria trees start blooming. The place turns pink, purple and white creating tunnels resembling those you saw in a Disney fairy tale.


  2. Cave of the Crystals (Naica, Mexico)


  Google the name and check out the pictures available on the Internet. Just imagine – all those crystals are 40 feet long. Sadly enough, crystals are reported to decompose in oxygen. That’s why tourists and scientists are trying to race against the clock – they take photos and document the area bore it is ruined.


  3. Trollstigen (Rauma Municipality, Norway)


  In Norway there is a road called Trollstigen (‘troll’s ladder’). What makes it special is its steep incline leading you to the top of the mountain. Standing on the Stigfossen Waterfall Bridge you will enjoy the breathtaking views surrounding you. However, The place can be visited in the summertime only since it is too dangerous in cold and slippery winter months.


  4. Great Blue Hole (Lighthouse Re, Belize)


  The Caribbean Sea is where the Great Blue Hole is located. It is relatively close to Belize and is part of the Lighthouse Re. You might ask why The Great Blue Hole has such an unusual color. The hole itself is darker than the waters surrounding it since it is over 400 feet deep.


  5. Salar de Uyuni (Daniel Campos Province, Bolivia)


  If you want to find out walking on the clouds feels like, visit Bolivia. There is Salar de Uyuni, the largest salt flat on the planet. Underneath the flat there is briny water. In the wintertime, the water creates a wonderful mirror. It rlects the sky and makes you believe as if you were stepping on the sky.


  6. Glass Beach (Fort Bragg, California)


  In 1900s it was permitted to dump garbage into the waters of the area. Because of this, the city of Fort Bragg is now famous for its unusual pebbles that were once formed from glass plates and bottles. It is not dangerous to walk on them since the edges are smoothed by the water. It looks as if marbles and candies were scattered by some naughty kid all over the place.


  7. Travertine-Terraced Hot Springs (Pamukkale, Turkey)


  What you see is not snow at all. The desert is covered with travertine, a mineral that results from hot spring waters in this location. Visit the place and soak in the stepped pools. There the waters are divine – around 100°F. Unfortunately, some of the pools are already empty – formed hotels drained them for their own use.




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