
2017-08-13 作者: 235阅读

  A federal judge said two Starbucks customers may pursue a lawsuit accusing the coffee chain of cheating patrons by underfilling lattes。


  In a decision on Friday, U.S。 District Judge Thelton Henderson in San Francisco said the California plaintiffs may seek damages from Starbucks Corp in their proposed nationwide class action, including for fraud and false advertising。

  周五,美国旧金山的地方法官Thelton Henderson表示,加州原告在全国范围内发起集体诉讼,以诈骗和广告不实为由向星巴克索赔。

  Starbucks was accused of overcharging customers by systematically serving lattes that are 25 percent too small, based on a recipe it adopted in 2009 to save money on milk。


  The plaintiffs, Siera Strumlauf of San Francisco and Benjamin Robles of Carlsbad, said Starbucks requires baristas to use pitchers for heating milk with etched “fill to” lines that are too low, and to leave 1/4 inch of free space in drink cups。

  旧金山的原告Siera Strumlauf和卡尔斯巴德的原告Benjamin Robles指出,星巴克要求员工用来加热牛奶的罐子指示装牛奶的刻度过低,而且杯子还留出四分之一吋的空间。

  They said this shorts customers because Starbucks’ cups for tall, grande and venti lattes hold exactly 12, 16 and 20 ounces。


  “This is not a case where the alleged deception is simply implausible as a matter of law,” Henderson wrote。 “The court finds it probable that a significant portion of the latte-consuming public could believe that a ’Grande’ contains 16 ounces of fluid。”

  “从法律上来看,所谓的欺骗行为并非不合情理,” Henderson法官写道。“很多喝拿铁的消费者点大杯时,都以为含有16盎司的饮料。”

  Henderson did not rule on the case’s merits。 He dismissed three of the plaintiffs’ eight claims against Seattle-based Starbucks, as well as their request for injunctive reli。


  Starbucks spokesman Reggie Borges on Monday said the company believes the lawsuit is without merit and is prepared to dend itself against the remaining claims。

  星巴克发言人Reggie Borges周一表示,星巴克认为诉讼缺乏法律依据,公司将提出强力辩护。

  He also said that if a customer is not satisfied with how a beverage is prepared, “we will gladly remake it。”


  Lawyers for the plaintiffs did not immediately respond on Monday to requests for comment。


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