
2017-08-13 作者: 41阅读

  A group of inmates broke out of a holding cell to help save their jailer after they saw him lose consciousness, US authorities have said.


  Video footage showed at least six inmates breaching the door of a basement holding cell in a Texas court when the lone, armed guard slumped and fell.


  Inmates yelled for help, broke out of the cell and banged on doors, bringing other officers upstairs running, something they knew put them in danger.


  Inmate Nick Kelton told WFAA: “We were worried they’re going to come with guns drawn on us.” Fellow inmate Floyd Smith said officers thought it was a fight. “They thought we were taking over,” he said.

  犯人Nick Kelton告诉WFAA电视台:“我们担心他们会朝我们开枪。”狱友Floyd Smith说,警员们以为发生了打斗。“他们以为我们在袭警暴动。”

  Parker county sheriff’s Sergeant Ryan Speegle said he didn’t know what to expect when he got downstairs. Given the unconscious officer had keys and a firearm, “it could have been an extremely bad situation”, Speegle said.

  派克县治安官Ryan Speegle军士说,他下楼时完全不知道会发生什么。考虑到昏迷的狱警身上有钥匙和枪,“情况可能极其糟糕。”Speegle说。

  The surveillance video at the building in Weatherford, Parker county, on 23 June shows officers ushering the inmates back into the holding cell and administering CPR to the stricken guard, who is expected to recover and return to work.


  Captain Mark Arnett praised the inmates’ quick response, saying 15 minutes could have passed bore a staff member found the guard.

  Mark Arnett上校赞扬了犯人们的快速反应,称否则至少要过15分钟,其他狱警才会发现。

  Kelton added: “It never crossed my mind not to help whether he’s got a gun or a badge. If he falls down, I’m gonna help him.”


  Should it happen again, it may not be so easy to come to a guard’s aid. The cell that inmates breached has now been reinforced.



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