
2017-08-13 作者: 324阅读

  A Christmas special titled The Abominable Bride (《可恶的新娘》) caused quite a stir among fans of the popular BBC series Sherlock. While it quenched the thirst of fans, the special also raised their hopes of soon seeing some new episodes of the show. They will, however, have to keep waiting.


  The filming of the fourth season began this past April and the new episodes are not expected to air until 2017. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, the show's co-creator Steven Moffat hinted at where the show will pick up.


  "You can sort of see that in the way Series 3 went. It's great that [Sherlock is] back and John Watson's got a wife and Sherlock Holmes likes her. Isn't it adorable? And then it all goes to hell. Remember where we lt them."


  Moffat said that they set up "a little thing" in the third season that no one was talking about and that Sherlock Season 4 will be largely about consequences. This has led many to speculate about the fate of Watson's new bride Mary and the fact that Watson did indeed end up as a widower (鳏夫) in the Arthur Conan Doyle stories.


  Did the Sherlock Series 3 wedding set up a tragedy? Even Martin Freeman has openly said that he expects Watson's marriage to Mary Watson to be short-lived. He was quoted in The Telegraph as saying, "While we play fast and loose with the original stories, we generally follow the way of what Conan Doyle did. So Watson gets married and then Mary dies—so at some point presumably she'll die."

  难道《夏洛克》第三季中的婚礼真的是一场悲剧么? 马丁·弗瑞曼(剧中华生的扮演者)曾公开表示,他认为华生与玛丽沃特森的婚姻将是短暂的。他在节目中说: “虽然我们与原著并非一致,但我们大体上仍会遵循柯南道尔的故事。所以华生结婚了,然后玛丽去世——一定程度上说,她的死是必然的”。

  With words like "tragedy" and "consequences" being used quite liberally when the creators of the show talk about Sherlock's upcoming season—it sounds like it won't be all fun and games for the dynamic duo (活力二人组) of Holmes and Dr.Watson.


  For all Sherlock fans, the long wait is likely to end next January. Paula Kerger, the President and CEO of PBS, the American network that airs Sherlock, said in January 2016, "we do have the next Sherlock announced, that is coming up about a year from now." That could suggest that Series 4 will kick off on New Year's Day in the U.K.

  对于所有的神夏迷们,这份漫长的等待可能会于在明年一月份终结。PBS(美国公共广播公司)的总裁兼首席执行官Paula Kerger(波拉克格)在2016年1月份宣告:“新一季的《神夏》将在未来一年左右的时间与大家见面。”这意味着第四季可能在英国于2017年新年开播。


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