iphone7将在9月7日发布 256G大内存闹哪样!.

2017-08-13 作者: 190阅读

  Apple has sent out invites for a September 7th event where it is expected to unveil the iPhone 7.

  苹果公司发出了9月7日(发布会)的邀请函,揭开iPhone 7的面纱。

  The event will be held in San Francisco, and could also see the release of new MacBooks and a second generation Apple watch.


  According to a Bloomberg source, the next-generation versions of the iPhone are due to debut on September 7.


  Earlier this week, Bloomberg release information that suggests next month's iPhone is expected to be much different from what is in your hand.


  Although the handsets may be designed with new features, display sizes are not expected to change.


  Sources also told Bloomberg that Apple removed the two innermost antenna lines that line the back of the current phones.


  According to Bloomberg’s sources, who claim to have used a prototype of the highly anticipated devices, this new system will snap brighter pictures in low-light environments and with more detail.The lenses, which each snap colour differently, will merge together to make one detailed image.


  Numerous leaks and sources have surfaced over the past year reveaingl a major change in the theupcoming iPhones, no headphone jack, which Bloomberg says will be replaced with a second speaker.


  Another rumor hit the internet just last month that put an even bigger twist on the mystery, claiming next month's Apple smartphones will not be called the iPhone 7 at all.

  上月另一网上谣传是更是让情况更为扑朔迷离,称下个月的苹果智能手机根本就不会称为iPhone 7。

  追加:iPhone 7、iPhone 7 Plus将取消16GB、64GB两个版本,分32GB、128GB、256GB三个版本。

  据悉,各版本iPhone 7、7 Plus售价具体如下:

  4.7英寸iPhone 7:

  32GB 5288元、128GB 6088元、256GB 6888元;

  5.5英寸iPhone 7 Plus:

  32GB 6088元、128GB 6888元、256GB 7888元。


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