
2017-08-13 作者: 451阅读


  1. Honey

  1. 蜂蜜

  Honey keeps indinitely. It may change color and become crystalized, but it will stay safe to eat. If your honey does crystallize, just place the open jar in warm water and stir until the crystals dissolve.


  2. Rice

  2. 米饭

  Even if it develops a frighteningly thick layer of dust on the bag, the rice inside is just as good as the day you bought it. This is true for white, wild, arborio, jasmine and basmati rice. Brown rice doesn’t have the same good fortune; its higher oil content makes it turn rancid. Just be sure to store in an airtight container to keep out any bugs.

  即便米袋蒙上厚厚一层灰看着怪吓人,里面的米还是和新买的一样。但仅仅白米、 野生稻、 艾保利奥米、泰国香米、 印度香米如此。 糙米就不能如此有幸保质了,其高油含量会让糙米变质变味。只要保证用密封容器储存大米,防止生虫。

  3. White Vinegar

  3. 白醋

  You can buy the bulk size of white vinegar without having to worry about it going to waste. It keeps fresh forever. So stock up, that way you always have something to turn to when in need for dressings, marinades or even household cleaning.


  4. Real Vanilla Extract

  4. 真正的香草精

  Pure vanilla extract, since it’s made from alcohol, will stay fresh and flavorful for as long as you have it in stock.


  5. Salt

  5. 盐

  Table salt, kosher salt or sea salt, will stay as fresh as the day you bought it and remain so throughout the years.

  精盐、 粗盐和海盐能永远新鲜如初,常年如是。

  6. Cornstarch

  6. 玉米淀粉

  Keep it dry, tightly sealed and in a cool place. You probably don’t go through a tub of cornstarch that quickly.


  7. Sugar

  7. 糖

  Sugar never spoils because it doesn’t support bacterial growth. Just make sure to store it in an airtight container to keep the bugs and moisture out.


  8. Hard liquor

  8. 烈酒

  Hard liquor will keep in a cool dark place for longer than necessary. Your liquor cabinet could itself be passed down from generation to generation. The liquor may lose its aroma slightly, but not enough for it to be noticeable.


  9.Dried beans

  9. 干制豆类

  Dried beans will take longer to soften when cooked. After about a year or two, but they do not lose their nutritional value with age so their shelf life is classified as indinite.


  10. Instant Coffee

  10. 速溶咖啡

  Instant coffee will keep in the freezer forever, whether sealed or not.


  11. Maple Syrup

  11. 枫糖浆

  Just like with instant coffee, if you keep it frozen it will keep forever.




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