
2017-08-13 作者: 216阅读

  At the beginning of September, Shanghai’s Tongji University ushered in 9,446 new students, 4,075 of which were incoming undergraduate freshmen.


  Among the freshmen who registered on Sept. 4, two students in particular attracted a great deal of attention for many things they share in common. Both are named Su Yuxuan and both come from Hunan province.


  They graduated in the same graduating class of the High School Affiliated with Hunan Normal University, and they used to live in the same dormitory. They got the same score on this year’s college entrance examination, and they even booked the same flight from Changsha to Shanghai without coordinating borehand.


  These two young men are not twins - they are not related at all, in fact. When naming them, both boys’ parents chose "Yuxuan" because it means "handsome and dignified." They became acquainted with one another during junior high school, and became classmates when they started high school. Since the dormitories were arranged according to students’ initials, they were assigned to the same dormitory.

  这两个年轻人不是双胞胎 - 事实上,他们没有任何的血缘关系。给孩子取名字时,双方家长选择"雨轩"是因为这个词的含义是"英俊以及高贵"。他们在初中时彼此相识,高中时成为同班同学。因为分配寝室是按照学生姓名的首字母排序,所以他们住在同一个寝室。

  In this year’s college entrance exam, both boys earned a score of 645. They also both chose Nanjing University as their first choice on the application form and Tongji University as their second. Finally, they were both admitted to Tongji University.


  One Su Yuxuan was born in September 1998 and was admitted to the Electronic Information and Engineering School of Tongji University. The other Su Yuxuan was born in January 1999 and was admitted to the Traffic Engineering School.


  After hearing the coincidence-filled story of these two freshmen, the alumni association of Tongji University gifted each of them a T-shirt with university logo. They also took a group photo at the alumni association office.



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