
2017-08-13 作者: 1298阅读

  (CNN)Swiss luxury jewelry and watches company de Grisogono has acquired the world’s most expensive rough diamond, the brand announced today at the opening of the Biennale des Antiquaires antique show in Paris.

  (CNN)今天,在巴黎古董双年展开幕典礼上,瑞士珠宝及钟表名家 de GRISOGONO 宣布其获得了世上最昂贵钻石之原石。

  Known as The Constellation, the diamond was purchased at a private Sotherby’s auction by Dubai trading company Nemesis International for a record $63 million. It weighs 813 carats and measures 6 centimeters (2.4 inches) across. It first made headlines in November 2015 when it was pulled out of Karowe Mine in Botswana by the Canadian mining company Lucara Diamond.

  这颗被称为“荟萃”的原石是在迪拜贸易公司涅墨西斯国际举办的索斯比拍卖会上以6300万美元拍得。它重达 813 克拉,阔度超过 6 厘米(2.4英寸)。2015 年 11 月,加拿大 Lucara Diamond 公司在其位于非洲博茨瓦纳的 Karowe 矿场发现这颗原石,占据了各大媒体头条。

  "(This is) the first time we’ve taken such a historic stone and had full creative freedom to do what we want with it," said de Grisogono CEO John Leitao in Paris, adding that the brand planned to transform Constellation into "a stone that rivals the crown jewels."

  公司CEO John Leitao表示:“这是我们首次获得如此具历史意义的原石,还能根据我们的意愿自由进行创造性的设计。”他补充说,该品牌计划将其打造成可与王冠匹敌的宝石。

  De Grisogono founder Fawaz Gruosi, recognized as the creative visionary behind the brand, rerred to the stone alternately as his "princess," and "his woman." But he admits their relationship can be complicated.

  被视为这个品牌背后远见卓识的人,公司创办人Fawaz Gruosi将这块原石称为他的“公主”、他的“女人”。 不过他表示他们的关系有点复杂。

  "I love her and I hate her," he said. "Love because something like this is so exceptional -- I could never dream to be able to have a stone like this in my own hands -- and hate her because I don’t know how I’m going to dress her."


  Though the two maintain a constant dialogue ("I keep talking to her, asking what clothes she would like to wear"), Gruosi predicts it will be six to eight months bore de Grisogono unveils the finished stone.


  "I had a lot of ideas in my head, but I didn’t find the right dress to put to my princess," he said.



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