
2017-08-13 作者: 214阅读

  It was so funny at the time, posting that photo of your baby’s insane diaper blowout. Now, a case out of southern Austria hints at what could happen when those kids grow up.


  An 18-year-old woman says that her parents since 2009 have posted some 500 photos of her (stretching back to her baby days) on Facebook without her OK, and she’s suing.


  The unnamed woman says she’s repeatedly asked that they remove the images—which show her doing everything from potty training to lying naked in bed and have been shared with her parents’ 700 friends—to no avail, reports the Local.


  But hey, those friends like the photos, the woman’s father tells a local magazine by way of Deutsche Welle: "It’s a nice family album that’s been well received by our Facebook friends." He maintains he has the right to publish the images because he took them.


  Their daughter’s response: "They knew no shame," she says. "Every stage was photographed and then made public." The family is set to appear in court in November in the first case of its kind in Austria.


  Mashable sees it as a "reminder that laws governing social media are incomplete and constantly evolving." The woman’s attorney says if they can prove the images have violated her rights to a personal life, she could very well win—which could leave her parents on the hook for damages for her pain and suffering, not to mention her legal fees.


  (One man built a revenge site that nearly drove his ex to the brink.)


  This article originally appeared on Newser: Her Parents Put 500 Photos of Her on Facebook. She’s Suing



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