上海最火葱油饼摊涉无证经营被关 曾上BBC节目.

2017-08-13 作者: 23阅读

  The “best scallion pancake shop” in Shanghai has become the focus of concerned netizens after being ordered to suspend business on Sept. 26.


  Huangpu District Market Supervision and Management Bureau asked the owner to temporarily stop his operation because he had no license, according to Shanghai Daily. A reporter from Shanghai Morning Post did an interview with Wu Gencheng, the owner of Ada Scallion Pancake, in his home.


  Wu started his business in 1982, when he began selling pancakes in a market. Slowly but surely, his secret formula made his pancake shop one of the most celebrated and famous food stalls in all of Shanghai. His shop became famous after the BBC interviewed him and filmed how his popular pancakes were made in a documentary called "Taste of Shanghai," leading foodies from all over to queue for hours just to sample his products.


  However, after the market was relocated, Wu had to move the store back to his home.


  "An officer with the Industry and Business Administration told me, ’You can make pancakes at home as long as your neighbors don’t oppose it,’" Wu explained. It has been 13 years since he received that approval. After his old license expired, he failed to get a new one because he was running the business out of a residential building.


  Many companies have expressed interest in investing in Wu’s business, offering to hire him with excellent compensation, but Wu declined all these offers. He said it’s not convenient for him to do business far away from home, considering his age and health.


  “I once taught my friend’s child to make pancakes. He opened a small shop, too. But the flavor of his pancakes is slightly different from mine, and so is the production. I just want to continue to make my pancakes. Besides earning a living, I want to be sure those who love to eat my pancakes can still have them," he said.


  Wu said he would try to open the shop on Thursday, but if authorities did not allow it, he would have to scale down his business and only sell pancakes to old customers.


  In an official statement, Huangpu District Market Supervision and Management Bureau said it will provide guidance and support for Wu so that he can run the business according to law and regulations.



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